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​Future Pathways 

​To help our students reach their full potential, in whatever their chosen profession may be, JPC provides a variety of pathway options through our Career Development Centre.​​

The College works to ensure that every student has a viable academic pathway that leads to post-school study or the workplace through a comprehensive curriculum offering. Across all year levels, more than 110 subjects are available for students to select their own unique pathway through our Secondary School. This includes 33 courses that contribute towards a student's Queensland Certificate of Education and nine Vocational Education Certificates in four industry areas.

Our Head of Careers and Pathways and our Vocational Education and Training Program Co-ordinator offer students individualised career counselling guidance and advice. Our parents and students have an opportunity to attend various group information sessions or personal appointments to access career testing and assessment and professional support. 

Whether our students are destined for further study, a traineeship/apprenticeship, or employment, our staff will help them make appropriate choices to design their personalised pathway to achieving their goals. This will include providing students with opportunities for work experience to assist them to develop an understanding of their own personal strengths and identify their passions and purpose. ​

​Career Choices Commence in Years 7 to 9

Students of all ages can access this service and formal preparation for career planning commences in Year 7. Students are continually involved to appropriately targeted and relevant processes through to Year 9 when students undertake a careers unit as part of their Academic Welfare Program.

To guide career and study choices, our students are encouraged to identify what they are good at and what they enjoy doing, investigate different types of careers and then research the steps they need to take to get there.​

Pathway Preparation Through to Year 12 begins in Year 10

Preparation for pathways to the future and opportunities beyond graduation continues in Senior Secondary School when students investigate the extensive career and vocational choices available.​

​​Year 10

Year 10 is the year when students make their first career development choices in the form of selecting their subjects to create their Senior Education and Training pathway. To assist students in this process they engage in timetabled careers lessons that support them in identifying their strengths, passions, career aspirations and options for the next stages along their pathway. The careers program is designed to prepare and enable students to make informed subject and pathway decisions which will set them up for success through Years 11 to 12 and support their future career goals. Additionally, the program provides the opportunity for them to:

  • ​Investigate course options for Years 11 and 12
  • Investigate the world of work
  • Explore the tertiary study and training options
  • Develop employability skills.

Years 11 and 12

Career development support continues throughout Year 11 and 12 as students undertake their chosen pathway studies to achieve a Queensland Certificate of Education. Students can schedule one-on-one meetings with the career counsellor to seek individual guidance and support. Additionally, timetable careers lessons provide students with opportunities for them to:​
  • Engage with universities and tertiary institutions
  • Interact with industry and Alumni career mentors
  • Participate in career learning and development experiences
  • Develop employability skills and attitudes  
  • Prepare for job-seeking by developing a Curriculum Vitae and learning invaluable networking skills and;
  • Prepare for and complete the process for submitting tertiary applications. 

University Entrance

The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) and a variety of Vocational Education and Training (VET) options prepare students directly for university entrance. While each of these pathways is different, they ALL provide students with excellent opportunities to extend their education at a tertiary level and achieve their desired career outcomes. Students are supported and prepared for the tertiary application process through specific careers lessons, a QTAC Information Night and individual support from the career counsellor. ​

​University in Year 12

The Griffith GUEST, QUT START and UQ Enhanced Studies programs provide students who meet the entrance criteria with the opportunity to undertake a university subject while at school, completing their Year 12 studies. Successful completion of a university subject whilst at school affords students with numerous benefits which can include​:

  • Opportunities for ‘taste testing’ courses 
  • Experiencing university lectures and tutorials, completing assessment and enjoying campus life
  • Bonus adjustments to their ATAR (to be used for university entry)
  • Academic credit towards a degree and;
  • Credit towards the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).

Vocational Education and Training

​Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications are available through the ‘Partnerships with Schools’ program where students may undertake VET qualifications at either the Metropolitan South Institute of TAFE (MSIT) or trade-based qualifications at Skills Tech Australia.

John Paul College is also in partnership with externally Registered Training Organisations including Barrington College (RTO 45030), Binnacle Training (RTO 31319) and Connect ‘n’ Grow (RTO 40518).

All VET courses provide a high level of real-world employability skills, workplace learning and the opportunity to work towards completing a nationally recognised qualification.​

School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships

Students in Years 10, 11 or 12 who are interested in pursuing careers in trades or related service industries may wish to take up the option of undertaking a School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SAT).

This pathway allows students to study on campus four days a week on a reduced workload of five subjects. The additional day is spent in the workplace, undertaking paid employment, or at TAFE studying the relevant qualification.

Students have the opportunity to gain valuable industry-based experience and also work towards completing a nationally recognised qualification. ​

​Support Network

A full-time network of support personnel, including Heads of Years, Chaplain, Counsellors, English as a Second Language (ESL) and Learning Enhancement teachers is also available to support our students in their pursuit of academic excellence.

Students are encouraged and welcome to visit the Careers Room in the Gorman Centre to access university brochures, careers information, traineeship and employment opportunities and helpful careers information sheets and guides.​


Our priority is to prepare our students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to reach their careers aspirations, engage in satisfying employment and to be successful managers of their career.

Mrs Kristy Baldwin, Head of Careers & Pathways