Chaplaincy and Counselling
Our Chaplain and Counsellors work closely with students and our Academic Welfare team to provide students, families, and staff with the coordinated support they need to lead healthy, fulfilling, productive and responsible lives.
A priority is the support of at-risk students and students with special needs and their families.
The Chaplain and Counsellors work in collaboration with the Learning Enhancement, Academic Welfare, and Christian Living programs and provide the John Paul College community with the necessary support to assist them in reaching their individual potential for living.
They work with students providing individual counselling, group therapy, behavioural interventions for the classroom, class or year level sessions on specific topic areas, information and support for parents; or strategies and advice for teachers.
Our Chaplain aims to ensure that the “Christ” in our College motto is central to what we do. This is done by teaching students how much Christ loves them, and that we should respond to this love by putting His values into practice.
The Chaplain leads our Christian Living program, a Community Care co-curricular activity, year level Chapel services, welfare of students, staff and families, whole school services each term, writing faith-related newsletter articles, and ensures that the Bible and prayer is an important part in all that we do.
Counsellors work alongside students, parents and staff in a partnership to support student wellbeing. Students may refer themselves to the school counsellor or consultation may be sought at the suggestion of a teacher, parent and carer or friend. Parents and carers often seek advice from school counsellors about their child’s wellbeing, educational options, behaviour, family situation, and for information about help available from other agencies.
Whether working with students, parents and carers, teachers, or other professionals, school counsellors explain how they work, listen carefully to what is said, help clarify options, and encourage informed decision making. As with every part of our John Paul College experience, a vibrant partnership between school and home is crucial to our experience of success.
Supportive Staff
In today’s rapidly changing society our students are challenged daily to cope effectively and act responsibly. This challenge is often best met with the support of core staff.
This support is provided by offering:
- An understanding, supportive and confidential environment*
- Individual and group counselling to meet the educational, emotional, social, spiritual and personal needs of students
- Educational and behavioural assessment
- Development of support programs in areas of specific need (academic, careers, personal, behavioural etc.)
- Parent and teacher consultation regarding student needs
- Classroom visits and support
- Professional development for teachers
- Personal support and counselling for staff members
- Referral.
*NB Confidentiality shows respect to and for the person seeking counsel and it is a fundamental principle in any counselling situation. However, there are limits. We cannot keep conversations confidential if a person is a danger to themselves or to others. Also, as John Paul College employees, we are legally and morally obliged to report suspected child abuse or neglect.