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Schools at JPC


    ​​JPC Values

    Our Culture

    John Paul College (JPC) is a Christian​, ecumenical, co-educational College.

    Our values are based on a Christian Ecumenical ethos, particularly emphasising the College Values of Mutual Respect, Integrity, Compassion and Excellence. All members of our community are expected to treat others with mutual respect and consider their alignment with the College’s values and philosophy, particularly in terms of their participation and contribution to the life of the College.

    ​Every student will take personal responsibility for their own development by diligent and careful preparation for, and participation in, all the classes and activities of which they are a member. Mutual respect requires us all to be conscious of the learning needs of others and how our actions may affect them also.  

    Our Values

    We show mutual respect by:  
    • accepting others, celebrating our diversity and individuality  
    • ensuring fairness and equity in every interaction  
    • being patient and tolerant with each other.  
    We act with integrity by:  
    • demonstrating honesty and truthfulness  
    • leading honourable lives with humility  
    • taking responsibility and meeting our obligations.  
    We live with compassion by:  
    • showing kindness and love to others  
    • caring for the vulnerable and marginalised in our community  
    • generously giving of ourselves through active service.  
    We strive for excellence by:  
    • seeking knowledge and a deep understanding of the world  
    • rising to the challenge of the unfamiliar in our lives  
    • setting and achieving aspirational goals.  

    There is an expectation that all members of the College Community respect and uphold these values and the associated practices. It is important that all members contribute to a respectful environment by upholding the College’s expectations. Refer to the College Community Code of Conduct.​