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Schools at JPC


    ​​JPC Makes a Difference 

    T​​here is a deep sense of pride in wearing the burgundy and blue for all who are part of the John Paul College (JPC) Family. Built by the community for the community, our values are defined in ​our school motto Unity | Christ | Learning​ and remain as strong today as they were when we first opened in 1982.

    Located 20 minutes south of Brisbane's CBD, the JPC campus features extensive natural bushland and modern facilities to support a cutting-edge technology program and wide-ranging cultural and sporting opportunities. JPC's close proximity to the CBD ensures convenient and local bus routes are available in your local area for students.

    JPC delivers a contemporary co-educational curriculum grounded in traditional values from Early Learning to Year Twelve. Our students are at the heart of all we do, and this is reflected in our purpose: ​

    An unwavering commitment to educate and develop exceptional individuals who courageously enrich society.​

    We know that being prepared for the future - setting goals, choosing a pathway, overcoming obstacles and conquering challenges - gives your child a head start for their life ahead. JPC presents your child with the ultimate preparation for that future, for the pursuit of their future ​self. We are proud to help prepare our students for their personal quest to change the world, to make a difference.

    Our learning community provides your family with the opportunity to reach their individual potential for living a contributing and fulfilling life, one where Christian Ec​umenism is foundational, where our values are embraced, where mutual respect demands a hospitality that reaches out and welcomes people of all cultures and faiths, and where excellence in every endeavour is sought and applauded.

    To help you realise your child's goals, we offer a wide range of subjects and VET pathways to explore. We continually strive to tailor an individual journey for each one of our students with the delivery of our Academic Welfare programs which support and aid students in all aspects of their social, academic and co-curricular journeys.

    John Paul College War Cry

    The John Paul College school war cry was written in 1985 to be an inspiring call for an extra effort or recognition of achieving a victory. A balance between the necessary phonetic sounds and the correct spelling of words has been struck to recognise the College's history and culture.

    The Jukambi tribe were the original indigenous inhabitants of the area of John Paul College. The initial words give recognition to their spiritual and physical link with our College. As a school proud to be Australian and with its Christian Ecumenical philosophy complemented by our strength in Unity, many words recognise these links. Australia has unique flora and fauna, with jarrah as a famous Australian hardwood and 'roo acknowledging this.

    The College has a rich and vibrant student exchange program, with sister school relationships in Japan and New Zealand first established in 1983 and 1984. The inclusion of Hokkaido recognises our strong links with our Japanese sister schools, and Haka (the famous Maori challenge) emphasises our relations with the Hamilton schools in New Zealand.

    Burgundy and blue are key components of the school colours used in the crest, banners, and formal and sporting uniforms.​​

    Jukambi Jukambi
    Jarrah Jarrah
    Tenga Tonga Hara Roo
    Rickita Rickita Haka Haka
    Burgundy Blue Burgundy Blue
    Hokkaido Hokkaido Hokkaido He
    John Paul John Paul
    JPC – HA!

    JPC School Song

    Here in unity, we stand side by side
    With our trust in God
    to always be our guide
    With the faith to believe,
    and the will to achieve
    We come together now
    with hope and with pride

    We are brothers,
    we are sisters to each other we belong
    We walk the road together,
    our spirit ever strong
    Each day we’re reaching out
    to be the best that we can be
    We’re JPC
    We’ll always be, the John Paul Family!

    With the future in our hands now we know
    That with knowledge comes
    the power to grow
    And with hearts that are true,
    to the burgundy and blue
    In unity and strength, we will show.

    We are brothers,
    we are sisters to each other we belong
    We walk the road together,
    our spirit ever strong
    Each day we’re reaching out
    to be the best that we can be
    We’re JPC
    We’ll always be, the John Paul Family!

    JPC School Hymn

    We Are Family

    We are heirs of the father,
    We are joint heirs with the son,
    We are children of the kingdom,
    We are family, we are one.

    We are washed, we are sanctified,
    We are cleansed by the blood,
    We are born of the spirit,
    We are family, we are one.

    We are members of his body,
    We are objects of his love,
    We're partakers of his holiness,
    We are family, we are one.​