An unwavering commitment to educate and develop exceptional individuals who courageously enrich society.
We recognise that students are individuals, with individual needs. The challenge all schools face is to offer learning programs that engage students at all stages of their life. At John Paul College our teaching and learning environment offers an exceptionally broad range of opportunities that will motivate and encourage students.
We cater for all levels of ability and allow students to explore their own specific interests. In addition, students develop strong relationships with their teachers who get to know their strengths, enabling them the opportunities to be successful in their learning journey. In the Secondary School at JPC, we strive to meet these challenges.
Below are a series of videos from our Secondary School leaders and subject matter experts. Learn more about our Secondary School curriculum and experience John Paul College as our students see it.
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Head of Secondary School
Our College-wide motto of Unity | Christ | Learning is at the heart of all we do in the Secondary School and is embedded in all of our programs. As students grow, we are confident that they will leave JPC with an exemplary education, a desire to continue to learn, a moral compass to live by and a genuine desire to make a positive contribution as a citizen of the world.
Watch to learn more about our Secondary School.
| Academic Welfare
In the Secondary School, our Academic Welfare Program focusses on developing the whole learner. It incorporates learning opportunities to support our student's social and emotional wellbeing and opportunities to develop leadership skillsets, while also developing study strategies to assist students' academic development.
Learn more about Academic Welfare, presented by Mr Jacob Elms - Dean of Academic Welfare.
Faculties and Subject Selection
Our comprehensive range of subject offerings available from Years Seven to Twelve offers all students an opportunity to find their passions and ignite success. In the Secondary School, six faculties provide developmentally sequenced courses for students to transition into in Year Seven that are discipline-based learning, where they will learn how to work like a scientist, mathematician, or a historian...
Learn more about our Faculties and Subject Selection, presented by Mrs Belinda Guerra - Dean of Studies.
| Teaching in the Secondary School
At John Paul College all students are empowered to learn and achieve through a consistent and evidence-based approach to teaching and learning. We believe a common and committed approach is vital to ensuring that the learning outcomes for all students are maximised.
Learn more about teaching in the Secondary School, presented by Mrs Stacey Lang - Dean of Pedagogy.
Year Seven at JPC
Our passionate Academic Welfare Teachers provide outstanding support to underpin your child's transition from Primary to Secondary School, as they develop into the confident and creative learners of today, ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow. Learn more about Year Seven at JPC, presented by Mrs Amanda Shaw - Head of Year Seven.
| Careers and Pathways
The College works to ensure that every student has a viable academic pathway that leads to post-school study or the workplace through a comprehensive curriculum offering. Across all year levels, more than 110 subjects are available for students to select their own unique pathway through our secondary school. This includes 33 courses that contribute to a student's Queensland Certificate of Education and nine Vocational Education Certificates in four industry areas.
Learn more about Careers and Pathways, presented by Mrs Kristy Baldwin - Head of Careers and Pathways and Jacqlyn Rasmussen. |
Christian Ecumenical College
John Paul College is a Christian Ecumenical College. This means, firstly that Christ and the Christian message is at the centre of the teachings, values and principles we espouse and, secondly, that we promote Christian Unity – that is, a united witness to the Good News of Jesus. Christian Ecumenism recognises that people from different Christian faiths and traditions can work together towards greater unity while each preserves their own traditional faith and practice.
Watch to learn more about our Christian Ecumenical College philosophy. |
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