6.1 Sports and Activities Overview
6.2 Philosophy and Expectations
6.3 TAS and Junior TAS Sport
6.4 Carnival Dates
6.5 Sport Academy Programs
6.6 Representative Competitions and Pathways
6.7 High Performance Academy (HPA)
6.8 Uniform
6.9 Student Safety and Welfare
6.10 Selection Policy
6.11 Communication
6.12 Absence Procedure
6.12.1 Clash Between College Co-curricular Commitments
6.13 Cancellations and Wet Weather
6.14 Achievements
6.15 Secondary School Leadership Opportunities
6.16 Parent Engagement
6.17 Key Staff and Contacts
6.18 Strategic Partners
6.19 Primary Sport & Activites Program
6.20 Secondary Sport & Activities Program
6.1 Sports and Activities Overview
Full details on each sport and activity can be found at the end of this overview in the Sport and Activities Program section.
TERM 1 |
TERM 2 |
TERM 3 |
TERM 4 |
Primary School Co-Curricular Sport and Activities |
Sport |
Junior TAS Cricket (Years 4-6)
| Junior TAS Cross Country (Years 4-6)
| Junior TAS Athletics (Years 4-6)
| Junior TAS AFL (Years 4-6)
Junior TAS Hockey (Years 4-6)
| Junior TAS Netball (Years 4-6)
| Junior TAS
Basketball (Years 4-6)
| Junior TAS Tennis (Years 4-6)
Junior TAS
Swimming (Years 4-6)
| Junior TAS Rugby (Years 4-6)
| Junior TAS Football (Years 4-6)
| Junior TAS Touch Football (Years 4-6) |
| Foundation Sport (Years 1-3)
| Foundation Sport (Years 1-3)
| Foundation Sport (Years 1-3)
Activities |
Esports (Years 5-6)
| Debating (Years 5-6)
| Debating (Years 5-6)
| Debating (Years 5-6)
Science Club (Years 5-6)
| Esports (Years 5-6)
| Esports (Years 5-6)
| Esports (Years 5-6)
| Science Club (Years 5-6)
| Opti-MINDS (Years 5-6)
| Science Club (Years 5-6)
| | Science Club (Years 5-6)
| |
Primary Extra-Curricular Sport and Activities |
| Futsal
| Futsal
| Futsal
| Rugby 7s
| Rugby 7s
Academies |
| Basketball
| Basketball
| Basketball
| Volleyball
| Cricket
| Cricket
| | Netball
| Netball
| |
| Volleyball
Junior Development Programs |
Thunderball (Basketball) (Prep-Year 2)
| Foundation Sport (Years 1-3)
| Foundation Sport (Years 1-3)
| Thunderball (Basketball) (Prep-Year 2)
| Thunderball (Basketball) (Prep-Year 2)
| Thunderball (Basketball) (Prep-Year 2)
| Cricket Blast (Cricket) (Prep-Year 3)
| Rookies2Reds (Rugby) (Prep-Year 3)
| Auskick (AFL) (Prep- Year 3)
| Foundation Sport (Years 1-3)
| | Hockey 4 Kids (Hockey) (Prep-Year 3)
| | | NetSetGo (Netball) (Prep-Year 3) |
Club Sport |
Club Basketball (7+ Years)
| Club Basketball (7+ Years)
| Club Basketball (7+ Years)
| Club Basketball (7+ Years)
Club Cricket (Years 3-6)
| Club Football (8+ Years)
| Club Football (8+ Years)
| Club Cricket (Years 3-6)
| Club Netball (7+ Years)
| Club Netball (7+ Years)
| |
Activities |
Chess (Years 2-6)
| Chess (Years 2-6)
| Chess (Years 2-6)
| Chess (Years 2-6)
Coding Club (Years 5-6)
| Coding Club (Years 3-4)
| Coding Club (Year 2)
| Coding Club (Year 1)
Karate (Prep-Year 6)
| Karate (Prep-Year 6)
| Karate (Prep-Year 6)
| Karate (Prep-Year 6)
TERM 1 |
TERM 2 |
TERM 3 |
TERM 4 |
Secondary School Co-curricular Sport and Activities |
Sport |
TAS Basketball (Girls) | TAS Cross Country | TAS Athletics | |
TAS Cricket (Boys) | TAS Hockey (Girls) | TAS Basketball (Boys) |
TAS Football (Girls) | TAS Netball (Girls) | TAS Football (Boys) | |
TAS Tennis (Girls) | TAS Rugby (Boys) | TAS Touch Football (Girls) | |
TAS Swimming | TAS Tennis (Boys) | TAS Volleyball (Girls) | |
TAS Volleyball (Boys) | | | |
Activities |
Community Care
| Art Club
| Art Club
| Community Care
| Community Care | Community Care | Esports
Young Designers
| Debating | Debating | Young Designers
Writers Club | Esports | Esports | Writers Club
| Young Designers | Young Designers |
Writers Club |
Writers Club |
Extra-curricular Sport and Activities |
| Futsal
| Futsal
| Futsal
| | Rugby 7s
| Rugby 7s
| Basketball
| Basketball
| Basketball
| Volleyball
| Cricket
| Cricket
| Netball
| Netball
| | | |
Club Sport |
Club Basketball | Club Basketball | Club Basketball | Club Basketball |
| Club Netball
| Club Netball
Recreational Sport
| Badminton
| Badminton
| Badminton
Activities |
Karate | Karate | Karate | Karate
6.2 Philosophy and Expectations
JPC is proud to offer a diverse and extensive range of sports and activities within our co-curricular program. We have a strong culture of participation and pride in these programs which support the holistic development of all students. Students are encouraged to participate in sport, emphasising enjoyment, fitness, skill development, social development and self-discipline. The College considers the sporting field to be an extension of the classroom where students have the opportunity to practice and display the key College values:
- Mutual Respect
- Integrity
- Compassion
- Excellence.
Sports and activities are classified as either co-curricular or extra-curricular. Co-curricular opportunities include College-offered programs and competitions, including TAS and Junior TAS sports, as well as activities including debating, esports and various interest clubs. Extra-curricular sports and activities include club sport, junior development programs, training offered by our strategic partners, and certain activities and recreational pursuits.
More information can be found in the sports and activities overview above.
All Years Four to Twelve students are expected to participate in at least one co-curricular sport or activity each year. In selecting a co-curricular activity, students must give priority to their school co-curricular commitment. If there is a clash between a school commitment and involvement in an external sporting or cultural group, the JPC team/group must take priority.
The College is committed to supporting all students to maintain their co-curricular commitments. Students with a clash between two JPC co-curricular activities should contact their Co-ordinator or the Head of Sport and Activities for advice.
We encourage all students to participate in the co-curricular activities offered at JPC. When a student accepts membership of a school team or group, we expect that they accept and commit to all the commitments involved in that membership. It is not acceptable for students to miss training or games or to arrive late for these commitments.
While students must be discouraged from making personal arrangements that conflict with their co-curricular commitments, it is important also that parents do not place their children in a position that forces them to neglect their responsibilities to their team or group. Such decisions as parental punishments, which prevent a child from participating in their team's activities, or weekend excursions that preclude fulfilling co-curricular commitments, disadvantage the student's teammates. We urge that parents recognise their child's obligation to their team or group and ensure that these obligations are met.
If for some reason, a student is unable to attend a Saturday fixture, students must seek permission from the relevant staff Co-ordinator
Club Sport Policy
College policy states that students who play Club Sport, for JPC or other clubs, must also play that sport in The Associated Schools (TAS or Junior TAS) competition. The TAS or Junior TAS competition is the priority.
Students' Co-Curricular Code of Conduct
- Play by the rules set by the coach, officials and the school.
- Never argue with an official. If you disagree, have your captain, coach or manager approach the official during a break or after the competition.
- Control your temper. Abuse of officials and sledging other players, deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent will not be accepted.
- Work equally hard for yourself and/or your team. Your team's performance will benefit, so will you.
- Be a good sport. Applaud all good plays and always acknowledge the person who made the pass or play to create the score.
- Treat all participants in your sport as you like to be treated. Do not bully or take unfair advantage of another competitor or teammate.
- Co-operate with your coach, teammates and opponents. Without them, there would be no competition.
- Participate for your enjoyment and benefit, not just to please parents and coaches.
- Respect all participants' rights, dignity, and worth regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
6.3 TAS and Junior TAS Sport
The Associated Schools (TAS) is a co-educational allegiance of schools with the mission to 'provide high quality, co-educational, interschool, sporting competition underpinned by the associations core values' of participation, pride, performance, sportsmanship and community.
TAS has evolved through the years into the premier co-educational inter-school sporting competition in Queensland.
The Mission of the Association is to provide high quality, co-educational, interschool, sporting competition underpinned by the Association's core values.
The Values of the Association are:
Participation - Optimising opportunities for students to participate in inter-school sporting competition.
Pride - Having commitment to and showing pride in their school and in the Association.
Performance - Excelling in performance.
Sportsmanship - Displaying the attributes of fair play, whether on the field, spectating or adjudicating.
Community - Promoting mutual support and acceptance for one another within the Christian environment of The Associated Schools.
TAS Sport
Term 1
| Cricket, Volleyball | Basketball, Football, Tennis | Swimming |
Term 2
| Rugby, Tennis | Hockey, Netball | Cross Country |
Term 3
| Basketball, Football | Touch Football, Volleyball | Athletics
Junior TAS Sport
Junior TAS sport is the equivalent primary competition of the TAS association, offered for to students in Years Four - Six. The objective of the competition is based primarily on skill development and participation in an atmosphere of good sportsmanship and fair play.
All Junior TAS sports are offered to both girls and boys in a mixed or single-gender format.
Term 1
| Cricket, Hockey | Swimming |
Term 2
| Netball, Rugby | Cross Country |
Term 3
| Basketball, Football | Athletics |
Term 4
| AFL, Tennis, Touch Football | N/A
6.4 Carnival Dates
Interhouse Carnivals
Swimming: Tuesday 11 March
Cross Country: Wednesday 2 April
Athletics: Wednesday 18 June
Prep -Year 2 Sport Day: Thursday 14 August
Year 1 and 2 Swimming Carnival: Thursday 20 November
Swimming: Friday 28 February
Cross Country: Wednesday 2 April
Athletics: Tuesday 17 June
Ring Road Relay: Thursday 27 November
Esports: Tuesday 21 October
TAS Carnivals
Swimming: Thursday 20 March
Cross Country: Tuesday 20 May
Athletics: Tuesday 16 September
Junior TAS Carnivals
Swimming: Friday 21 March
Cross Country: Wednesday 21 May
Athletics: Friday 12 September
Logan District Carnivals
Swimming: N/A
Cross Country (10-19 Years): TBC
Athletics (10-12 Years): TBC
Athletics (13-19 Years): TBC
Metropolitan East Regional Carnivals
Swimming (10-19 Years): Tuesday 4 March
Cross Country (10-19 Years): Tuesday 27 May
Athletics (10-19 Years): Thursday 28 - Friday 29 August
6.5 Sport Academy Programs
The JPC Sport Academy Program is a free, inclusive and focused training program available to students in Years Four - Twelve in the following sports:
- Basketball
- Cricket
- Netball
- Volleyball
Led by our specialist Head Coaches, the year-round program is designed to support and complement our TAS and Junior TAS programs while encouraging the development of holistic skills and best performance from all athletes. Students of all ability and experience levels are encouraged to attend, with sessions offered in developmental tiers including Primary, Junior, Intermediate and Senior.
In addition to building sequential, fundamental skills and increasing sporting participation, the Academy Program also embeds core strength and fitness principles with regular physical testing conducted with the JPC High Performance Co-ordinator.
6.6 Representative Competitions and Pathways
College Competitions and Tournaments
Students are encouraged to trial to represent John Paul College at the various State Championship Tournaments listed below. For further information on dates and trial information, please contact the relevant JPC Sport Co-ordinator.
Primary School
Basketball - Champion Basketball School of Queensland Primary 3x3
Esports - FUSE Cup
Futsal - various competitions and Futsal State Titles
Netball - Primary Schools Cup
Rugby - Primary All Schools Rugby 7s
Tennis - Tennis Queensland Primary Schools Cup
Volleyball - Primary Schools Cup
Secondary School
Basketball - Champion Basketball School of Queensland Tournament (Junior Secondary, Sophomore and Open) and Australian School Basketball Championships
Esports - FUSE Cup
Football - U14 ISSA Cup, U19 Uhlsport Cup
Futsal - various competitions and Futsal State Titles
Netball - Vicki Wilson (Cup and Shield)
Rugby - various Rugby Sevens competitions
Volleyball - Volleyball Queensland Schools Cup (Junior, Primary, Intermediate and Senior) and Australian Schools Volleyball Championships.
School Sport Representative Pathways and Competitions
Primary and secondary students aged between 10-19 years are eligible to trial for school-based representative sports through the School Sports Australia pathway.
John Paul College is part of the Logan District and Metropolitan East Regional areas.
Students may trial or nominate for selection in a Logan District team. Successful students progress to the Metropolitan East Regional trials, and the final pathway is selection in Queensland School Sport teams to complete at the Australian School Sports Championships.
The College will advertise all District sporting trials in SEQTA Notices. More information is available from Co-ordinators and the Sport & Activities team.
The representative pathway is outlined below:
Due to selection policy outlined by Logan District School Sport, the College may only nominate a limited number of students to attend the Logan District trials in certain sports, particularly the carnival sports of swimming, cross country and athletics. The College will be responsible for selecting interested students to attend the Logan District Trials. Selections will occur through consultation with relevant Sport Co-ordinators and coaches. Students will be notified of their selection to attend a Logan District trial by the College.
Club Sport Representative Pathway
Club sport representative pathways and procedures vary from sport to sport. For further information, please contact the relevant JPC Sport Co-ordinator.
6.7 High Performance Academy (HPA)
The High Performance Academy (HPA) is a specialist program with an integrated approach to training that caters to the holistic development of pursuing an elite level. The program is based on functional movement, technical development, personal development, strength conditioning development and sports medicine support. Our focus is to support the holistic development and aspirations of our high-performing student-athletes.
High performing student-athletes involved in JPC TAS Sport, Cheer and Dance will be considered for the program, and students are required to maintain standards of performance, academics, behaviour and effort.
For full details, please read the High Performance Academy Information Letter or contact our High Performance Co-ordinator
at (sport@jpc.qld.edu.au).
6.8 Uniform
Students must wear sporting uniforms or complete Physical Education (PE) uniforms as prescribed to all practices and competitions. Students will not be permitted to participate if improperly dressed, and parents will be notified. Please review the JPC Uniform Lookbook for guidance on the correct uniform requirements by sport.
When attending any JPC sport or activity as a spectator, students are expected to wear a full school uniform or PE uniform.
6.9 Student Safety and Welfare
Primary School Student Safety and Welfare
Students in Years 3 to 6 who participate in any sports or activities on campus are expected to make their own way to training sessions or activities. Prep - Year 2 students participating in sports and activities will be collected by the session supervisor and escorted to their sport or activity.
Primary students cannot walk to the Cec Munns Sports Centre without adult supervision or written consent from parents/caregivers.
Any student who has not been collected at the end of an activity will be taken to Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) for collection.
6.10 Selection Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for coaches, staff and the JPC community to ensure a fair process for the selection of representative teams.
The process for selection into College teams should reflect fairness, unity and contribution.
John Paul College fields over 200 TAS, Junior TAS and Club teams each year. The aim is to deliver high-quality Sport and Activities programs underpinned by exceptional resources.
TAS, Junior TAS, Club and College representative teams are selected according to ability levels. This ensures that players are entered into competitions where opponents are of similar ability levels.
Consideration must be given to the following factors when selecting teams:
- The number of students who have registered to play
- The varying ages and skills/experiences of the students
- The structure of the external competition and its specific requirements.
While all teams are encouraged to do their best, the fundamental focus is on sports participation and enjoyment. Year Five/Six Junior TAS teams may be graded, and this system will continue as students move into TAS sport in secondary school. This allows for all students to develop, compete and be challenged at a level where they can enjoy success.
Selection Process
The selection of various teams may require trials and a selection panel. This process may vary from TAS/Junior TAS, club to representative teams and the panel may consist of the coach and other relevant College staff. Students engaged in trials will be assessed on several factors, including gameplay.
Selection Criteria
Selection into a JPC representative team provides extension opportunities for students proficient in the fundamental skills related to that sport to be further developed by training and playing against similarly skilled students from other schools and clubs.
Student Ability
Students need to demonstrate an ability and appropriate skill level in the sport/team they are trialling for. Other factors such as commitment, maturity, organisation and motivation may be taken into account. The Student Responsibilities and Code of Behaviour Policy can be viewed on SEQTA.
Trial Attendance
Students are encouraged to attend all selection sessions. Absent students should contact the Sport Co-ordinator before the selection date.
Appeals Process
Students and parents are bound by the decisions made by the selection panel. Students have the right to appeal selection decisions made by the selection panel. Appeals need to be in writing to the Head of Sport and Activities and the Sport Co-ordinator within 72 hours of the selection announcement. The appeal will be an enquiry into whether the decision reached by the selection panel was made correctly. Students who do not attend the necessary trial sessions will not have the right to appeal selection decisions.
- The appeal panel may consist of:
- Head of Sport and Activities
- Deputy Principal
- If the appeal does not relate to procedural fairness and natural justice, the student will be advised, and the appeal will be void.
- The student will be advised in writing of the final decision.
6.11 Communication
Sport co-ordinators will communicate fixture and training details and other relevant information to parents through the following channels:
Further information about our Sport and Activities Program can be found here:
Primary Term Overviews
Secondary Term Overviews
Weekly Draw
Term Training Schedule
Additional general information may be published on the individual 'Friends Of' group Facebook pages.
Further resources can be found on the JPC SEQTA Engage homepage (under the blue Co-Curricular section).
6.12 Absence Procedure
Absence Procedure
To empower and instil students with the value of commitment, the College expects students to attend all scheduled training sessions and fixtures. It is neither reasonable nor appropriate to fellow team members for a student to simply not attend. Furthermore, staff have a duty of care for all enrolled students in their sport or activity. Therefore, if a student is ill or injured, it is an expectation that parents send notice before the event. Advance notice will also assist staff in organising substitutes if required.
If, for some reason, a student is unable to attend a fixture or activity for any other reason, students must seek advance approval from the coach or co-ordinator associated with the team.
6.12.1 Clash Between College Co-curricular Commitments
As a College with an extensive and diverse co-curricular program, we recognise that students may occasionally experience a scheduling conflict between two or more JPC co-curriculars within Sports, Activities and Performing Arts.
The College maintains a policy of shared commitment and priority, ensuring that all students are supported to balance and fulfil their JPC Sport, Activities and Performing Arts co-curricular responsibilities.
To support students managing conflicts between College Sports, Activities and Performing Arts commitments, and to allow enough time to develop a collaborative solution, the following process should be followed:
1. Communication
Students and parents are responsible for informing both the relevant Sport/Activity Co-ordinator and Performing Arts Instrumental/Vocal Director or Head of Department about the scheduling conflict as soon as possible, ideally with a minimum of 48 hours' notice.
Communication should be initiated by:
- Primary students – parents/caregivers
- Secondary students (Year 7-10) – students and parents/caregivers
- Secondary students (Year 11-12) – students, with parents included in communication
Early notification is important to allow sufficient time for solutions to be arranged. Students are encouraged to identify and discuss potential clashes early each term.
To support a consistent and effective process, coaches may also be informed and consulted. Coaches should ensure that enquiries are directed to the appropriate Co-ordinator and Director.
2. Collaboration
The Sport/Activity Co-ordinator and Performing Arts Instrumental/Vocal Director or Head of Department will collaborate to negotiate and propose a solution that accommodates the student's participation in both activities.
Solutions may include:
- Shared schedule each week (e.g. a student attends the first half of one commitment and the second half of the other commitment)
- Alternating weeks (e.g. a student attends sport one week then Performing Arts the following week).
- If multiple training or rehearsal sessions are offered for the same sport or activity within one week, the student should attend one of the two training sessions in order to avoid missing their only performing arts rehearsal of the week.
- Attending the training or rehearsal of a different team or group (this option applies to sports and activities only)
3. Compromise
While our policy of shared commitment exists, there may be circumstances and times of the year which require students to prioritise attendance at one activity, such as training sessions preparing for finals or rehearsals leading up to a performance. The Sport/Activity Co-ordinators and Performing Arts Instrumental/Vocal Directors or Heads of Department will consider these priorities when negotiating a solution, and factors such as event significance, prior preparation and the student's role will be evaluated.
4. Confirmation
A proposed solution will be suggested, discussed and confirmed in writing. All correspondence will include the student or parent, and the relevant staff, to ensure clarity and mutual understanding.
5. Concerns
If a satisfactory solution cannot be reached or if further concerns arise, contact should be made with the Head of Sport and Activities and the Head of Performing Arts who will review the case and determine a final decision.
6.13 Cancellations and Wet Weather
Morning Training Cancellations
In the event of overnight rain or dangerous weather, individual coaches will make morning cancellations after the grounds have been assessed. In this case, team coaches will be available to supervise students until 8:00am in an alternative venue.
Where persistent rain has caused field closures, students and parents will be notified on the day prior of any changes to training or cancellations. In this case, students are advised to arrive at school at the normal start time.
Afternoon Training Cancellations
In the event of rain throughout the day, if playing surfaces are considered dangerous or unsuitable for use, a cancellation notice will be sent via email. Information may also be shared on appropriate Facebook groups. Students not collected at the normal classroom dismissal time will be supervised in the Wet Weather Room (Burke 1) by the usual supervisor of the co-curricular session.
Game Day Cancellations
If cancellation on a game day occurs, the co-ordinator or coach will notify all parents by 6:30am on the morning of the fixture where possible. Gameday cancellations will be communicated via email and through the use of appropriate Facebook groups.
If weather impacts the safety of activity during proceedings or in the time leading up the activity, it is the responsibility of JPC staff, visiting school staff, and qualified umpires (if present) to collaborate and discuss an appropriate course of action on a reasonable and common-sense approach.
6.14 Achievements
Parents are encouraged to advise the Sport Co-ordinator and Sport and Activities department of their child's sporting and extra-curricular achievements, including representative non-school sport pathways, to ensure that students are appropriately recognised and acknowledged by the College.
Each year, the College rewards exceptional performances in the co-curricular program with awards. Students are eligible to receive the following awards:
- Blue Award (Full Colours)
- Burgundy Award (Half Colours)
- Merit Award.
Sports and Activities Co-curricular Colours Criteria - Secondary
Sports and Activities Co-curricular Colours Criteria - Primary
Tri-Sport Medal
Students selected to represent the College and who compete at all three Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Junior TAS or TAS carnivals in a calendar year will be awarded a Tri-Sport Medal.
6.15 Secondary School Leadership Opportunities
Co-curricular sport and activities captaincy positions are senior roles within the student leadership structure, open to students in Years Eleven and Twelve. Co-curricular captains should have a strong interest and active involvement in the co-curricular program and display outstanding leadership qualities within the College community.
In addition to the expectation of being an excellent role model, co-curricular captains may be required to perform the following duties:
- Represent the College at a variety of events
- Assist with organisation and running of events and functions relevant to the area of captaincy
- Meet with the Head of Sport and Activities and other key staff
- Communicate with co-ordinators, coaches and students within the sport/activity
- Contribute to publications (i.e. yearbook) and assemblies
- Attend and support training sessions, competitions or other events.
A detailed description of the selection criteria and nomination process can be found on SEQTA.
6.16 Parent Engagement
Parent Code of Conduct
Parents are encouraged to support their children in maintaining their commitments to their co-curricular activities. Parents must support their child's commitment by not placing them in a position that forces them to neglect their responsibilities to their team or group. We urge parents to recognise their child's obligations to their team or group and ensure that these obligations are met.
Parents' Co-curricular Code of Behaviour
- Remember that children participate in sport for their enjoyment, not yours.
- Encourage children to participate, do not force them.
- Focus on the child's efforts and performance rather than winning or losing.
- Encourage the children always to play according to the rules and to settle disagreements without resorting to hostility or violence.
- Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a competition.
- Remember that children learn best by example. Appreciate good performances and skilful plays by all participants.
- Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities.
- Respect official's decisions and teach children to do likewise.
- Show appreciation for volunteer coaches, officials and administrators. Without them, your child could not participate. A simple 'thank you' can be a powerful gesture.
- Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
- Support 'the team' in a positive manner whether winning or losing.
- Encourage the team aspect of each contest and not just your own child.
The College encourages community members to volunteer their time and expertise to enrich the activities and experiences offered by the College. As a child-safe organisation, all staff and volunteers must act in every child's best interest and treat all students equally with appropriate courtesy, sensitivity, and consideration in ways that ensure adherence to professional boundaries and conduct. The John Paul College Statement of Commitment, as contained within the College's Student and Child Protection Policies, underpins this policy and its related procedures.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the relevant Sport Co-ordinators.
6.17 Key Staff and Contacts
Mrs Julie Maroske (Head of Sport and Activities) jmaroske@jpc.qld.edu.au
Mrs Emma McDonald (Deputy Head of Sport and Activities) emcdonald@jpc.qld.edu.au
Miss Sheridan Darroch (Sports Officer) sdarroch@jpc.qld.edu.au
Miss Chevannah Paalvast (Head of Basketball and Sports Officer)
TBC (High Performance Co-ordinator) sport@jpc.qld.edu.au
6.18 Strategic Partners
Absolute Aquatics (Swimming)
https://www.absoluteaquatics.com.au/ | |
DESCRIPTION: | Absolute Aquatics offer learn to swim and squad training classes at the Stephen Paul Aquatic Centre on the John Paul College campus. Southside Aquatics is a highly successful medium-sized club, outperforming expectations on a State and National level, with a history of record-breaking swims and high achievement. The size of the club enables low swimmer-to-coach ratios and a focus on individual attention for each swimmer.
| |
CONTACT NAME: | Lachlan Staples |
lachlan@absoluteaquatics.com.au |
Tennis (Tennis)
| | |
| Eagles Tennis provides for a range of age groups and ability levels with pathways from social to competitive tennis with many JPC students achieving representative honours at district, regional, state and national level competitions.
| Mr David Chang
| eaglestennisjpc@gmail.com
Football Connection (Football)
6.19 Primary Sport & Activities Program
| Term 4
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 4-6
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform; JPC AFL jersey provided for games. | |
DESCRIPTION: | Junior TAS AFL consists of weekly training sessions during Term 4 and three Friday afternoon rounds played at a central venue. Boys and girls of all abilities and experience are invited to join the Junior TAS AFL teams. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mr Luke Vasterink |
lvasterink@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Terms 2 and 3
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Year 3 to 6
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform
| |
DESCRIPTION: | All students in Years 3 to 6 are invited to join the weekly Athletics training sessions in Terms 2 and 3 to support their athletic development and preparation for the Junior TAS Athletics Carnival and representative carnivals. Multiple sessions are run each week, with students able to attend sessions in disciplines that suit their interests and availability. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mrs Nicole Dennis |
athletics@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Term 3
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 4 to 6
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform; JPC basketball singlet provided for games. | |
DESCRIPTION: | Junior TAS Basketball consists of weekly training sessions and Saturday morning home and away fixtures in Term 3. Boys and girls of all abilities and experience are invited to join the Junior TAS Basketball teams. | |
Miss Chevannah Paalvast |
basketball@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Term 1
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 4 to 6
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform; JPC cricket uniform for matches. | |
DESCRIPTION: | Junior TAS Cricket consists of weekly training sessions and Saturday morning home and away fixtures in Term 1. Boys and girls of all abilities and experience are invited to join the Junior TAS Cricket teams. | |
cricket@jpc.qld.edu.au |
Cross Country
TERM: | Terms 1 and 2
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Year 3 to 6
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform | |
DESCRIPTION: | Students of all abilities and experience are invited to join the Primary Cross Country training squad through Terms 1 and 2. Students train before and after school with various running programs and sessions on offer. Students are also invited and/or selected to compete in cross country competitions during the season. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Miss Jennifer Gunston
crosscountry@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Term 3
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 4 to 6
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform; JPC football jersey provided for games. Shin pads are compulsory for games. | |
DESCRIPTION: | Junior TAS Football consists of weekly training sessions and Saturday morning home and away fixtures in Term 3. Boys and girls of all abilities and experience are invited to join the Junior TAS Football teams.
| |
CONTACT NAME: | Mr Steven Clacher
football@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Term 1
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 4 to 6
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform. Shin pads and mouthguards are compulsory for games | |
DESCRIPTION: | Junior TAS Hockey consists of weekly training sessions and Saturday morning fixtures in Term 2, played at a central venue each week. Boys and girls of all abilities and experience are invited to join the Junior TAS Hockey teams. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mrs Nicole Dennis
hockey@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Term 2
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 4 to 6
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform; JPC netball dress for girls at games. | |
DESCRIPTION: | Junior TAS Netball consists of weekly training sessions and Saturday morning fixtures in Term 2, played at a central venue each week. Students of all abilities and experience are invited to join the Junior TAS Netball teams. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mrs Lisa O'Donnell
netball@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Term 2
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 4 to 6
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform; JPC rugby jersey provided for games. | |
DESCRIPTION: | Junior TAS Rugby consists of two weekly training sessions and Saturday morning home and away fixtures in Term Two. Pre-season training may commence in Term 1. Boys and girls of all abilities and experience are invited to join the Junior TAS Rugby teams. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mr Brad Hamson |
rugby@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Term 4 to 1(Junior TAS Carnival in Term 1) | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 4 to 6
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | JPC or navy/black swimwear, swimming cap and goggles. | |
DESCRIPTION: | Junior TAS swimming training is available in Term 4 and Term 1 and is open to students who can swim 50m unassisted in a squad style training session. Training sessions are conducted on one morning per week at the Stephen Paul Aquatic Centre. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mrs Emma McDonald |
swimming@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Term 4
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 4 to 6
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform | |
DESCRIPTION: | Junior TAS Tennis consists of weekly training sessions and Saturday morning home and away fixtures in Term Four. Due to limited places, trials will be conducted to determine team selection for the competition. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mr David Chang
tennis@jpc.qld.edu.au |
Touch Football
TERM: | Term 4
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 4 to 6
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform | |
DESCRIPTION: | Junior TAS Touch Football consists of weekly training sessions and Saturday morning carnival format fixtures in Term 4 played across 2-3 rounds at a central venue. Students of all abilities and experience are invited to join the Junior TAS Touch Football teams. | |
| Miss Jennifer Gunston
touchfootball@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Terms 2 to 4
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 5 and 6
| Boys and Girls |
DESCRIPTION: | This co-curricular opportunity will provide students with an opportunity to engage in competitive debates against other schools within the Queensland Debating Union's Junior Round Robin Competition which occurs on various weeknights throughout the year. Coaching sessions will provide students with an opportunity to learn about the sport of debating in workshop sessions. A focus will be placed on argument formulation and speech writing, public speaking skills including vocal variety, use of body language and facial expression, and the art of rebuttal. Students must be available to attend weeknight debating competitions, with private transport being the responsibility of the parents/caregivers. This co-curricular is recommended for students who enjoy writing essays and creating arguments, and students who exhibit confidence in speaking to an audience are encouraged to join. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mr Joel Bonomini |
debating@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Terms 1 to 4
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Year 5 and 6
| Boys and Girls |
DESCRIPTION: | Students attend a weekly squad training session, from which competitive teams are developed, to participate in the Fuse Cup, a program that runs three separate, in-person competitions across the year.
The competition, and the training sessions, will focus on a different game in the lead up to each competition, from games including Mario Kart, Just Dance, and Rocket League. Due to competition guidelines, the co-curricular is limited to students in grades 5 and 6, and, depending on availability, enrolments will be on a first-come, first-served basis, and due to anticipated popularity, students may enrol in only one game to ensure fair participation across all events.
| Ms Leah Mildenhall
| esports@jpc.qld.edu.au
TERM: | Terms 2 and 3
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Year 5 and 6
| Boys and Girls |
DESCRIPTION: | Opti-MINDS is an inclusive team challenge and creative problem-solving event. The commitment involves weekly team meetings preparing a six-week Long Term Challenge solution and culminates with a regional Challenge Day, usually in late August. | |
Science Club
TERM: | Semester 1and 2 (registration per semester) | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 5 and 6
| Boys and Girls |
DESCRIPTION: | JPC Science Department laboratory technicians conduct a weekly afternoon science club for Years 5 and 6 students. Activities will be chemistry, physics and biology-based. Topics will not be curriculum-based but are instead assessed on the interests of the student group. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Ms Jo Yaxley
jyaxley@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Various – all terms | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 5 to 12 (age-based) | Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform; JPC football jersey provided for games. Shin pads are compulsory for games. | |
DESCRIPTION: | JPC enters teams into various competitions throughout the year, including the Australian Futsal Association regional and state titles, the Football Queensland Futsal regional and state titles, and various school knockout leagues. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mrs Kate Barnes |
kbarnes@jpc.qld.edu.au |
Rugby Sevens
TERM: | Terms 3 and 4
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Year 6 | Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform; JPC rugby jersey provided for games. | |
DESCRIPTION: | Rugby Sevens enters teams into various competitions throughout Term 3 and 4. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mr Brad Hamson |
Foundation Sport
TERM: | Terms 2 to 4 (registration per term) | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 1 to 3
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform | |
DESCRIPTION: | Foundation Sport is a free program offered to Year 1 to 3 students on Tuesday afternoons throughout Terms Two to Four. Students experience a rotation of multiple sports each term to develop core physical literacy and encourage lifelong participation in physical activity. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mrs Roanne Hope
foundationsport@JPC.QLD.EDU.AU |
Auskick (AFL)
TERM: | Term 3
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Prep to Year 3
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform | |
COST: DESCRIPTION: | Cost payable directly to an external provider. The NAB AFL Auskick program provides boys and girls with a fun and safe Australian Football experience that introduces a lifetime of involvement in the game. Sessions are run by experienced AFLQ staff, with a JPC staff member also present for supervision. Registrations and information will be communicated to families.
http://www.aflauskick.com.au | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mr Michael King |
mking@jpc.qld.edu.au |
Hockey4Kids (HOCKEY)
TERM: | Term 4
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Prep to Year 3
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform | |
| Cost payable directly to the external provider. Hockey4Kids has been developed to give children aged 10 and under a fun environment to learn hockey and develop their skills in a modified game-based environment.
| |
Cricket Blast (Cricket)
TERM: | Term 4
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Prep to Year 3
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform | |
COST: DESCRIPTION: | Cost payable directly to external provider. Cricket Blast is for students new to cricket, with participants building their skills through fun, game-based activities. The games are designed for small groups to maximise participation and allow players to test and learn new skills.
NetSetGo (Netball)
TERM: | Term 4
YEAR LEVEL: | Prep to Year 3
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE uniform (optional NetSetGo t-shirt that is purchased at registration). | |
COST: DESCRIPTION: | Cost payable directly to external provider. NetSetGo is a starter program for girls and boys aged 5 to 10, providing an opportunity to learn fundamental netball and movement skills in a fun environment.
Rookies2Reds (Rugby)
Thunderball (Basketball)
TERM: | Terms 1 to 4 (registration per term) | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Prep to Year 2
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | Training - PE or formal uniform Game - Thunderball playing singlet and JPC shorts. | |
DESCRIPTION: | Thunderball is a fun-filled Basketball development program for children looking for an introduction to the sport of Basketball. The program emphasises fundamental skills to start your Basketball journey.
The College offers several club opportunities for students to represent the College in Basketball, Cricket, Football and Netball. Students who play club sport for JPC or teams other than JPC are expected to represent the College in the Junior TAS competition.
Whilst each of these clubs is supported by the College, these activities often rely on the efforts of external and volunteer coaches to provide instruction and supervision while maintaining the values and ethos of JPC.
Club Basketball
TERM: | Terms 4 and 1 (Summer Season), Terms 2 and 3 (Winter Season) | |
AGE GROUP: | 9 - 12 Years Old | Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform, JPC basketball shorts; JPC basketball singlet provided for games. | |
COST: DESCRIPTION: | Cost payable directly to external provider. JPC enters teams in the summer and winter seasons of the junior club competition at Logan Basketball. Teams participate in weekly training sessions on campus and Saturday morning fixtures at the Cornubia Park Sports Centre. Students compete in age groups (Thunder 10s, U12, U14 boys and Junior Girls U12/U14). Players participating in club basketball (for JPC or other clubs) are expected to play Junior TAS basketball in Term 3. | |
Miss Chevannah Paalvast |
basketball@jpc.qld.edu.au |
Club Cricket
TERM: | Term 4
| |
AGE GROUP: | 8 - 12 Years Old | |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform; JPC cricket whites for matches. | |
COST: DESCRIPTION: | Cost payable directly to external provider. JPC enters teams into the junior club competition at Redlands Cricket. Students compete in age groups, and teams participate in weekly training sessions on campus and Saturday morning home and away fixtures in Term 4. Players participating in club cricket (for JPC or other clubs) are expected to play Junior TAS cricket in Term 1. | |
cricket@jpc.qld.edu.au |
Club Football
TERM: | Terms 1 to 3
| |
AGE GROUP: | 8 - 12 Years Old | Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform; JPC football jersey provided for games. | |
COST: DESCRIPTION: | Cost payable directly to external provider. JPC enters teams into the Junior Divisional and Miniroos club competition at Football Brisbane. Students compete in age groups, and teams participate in weekly training sessions on campus and Saturday morning home and away fixtures during Terms 1 to 3. Players participating in club football (for JPC or other clubs) are expected to play Junior TAS football in Term 3.
| |
CONTACT NAME: | Mr Steven Clacher
football@jpc.qld.edu.au |
Club Netball
TERM: | Terms 1 to 3
| |
AGE GROUP: | 8 - 12 Years Old | Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform (JPC Netball dress on game day) | |
DESCRIPTION: | JPC enters teams into the Cadet and Netta junior club competitions at Underwood Park Netball Association. Students compete in ability and age-graded teams, with weekly training sessions on campus and Saturday afternoon fixtures at UPNA during Terms 1 to 3. Players participating in club netball (for JPC or other clubs) are expected to play Junior TAS netball in Term Two. | |
| Mrs Lisa O'Donnell
netball@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Terms 1 to 4 (registration per term) | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Year 3 to 6
| Boys and Girls |
COST: DESCRIPTION: | Cost payable directly to external provider. Students gain an insight into the nature of chess competition while building confidence in their ability to develop and practise higher-order thinking skills. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Topchess |
alexstahnke@topchess.com.au |
TERM: | Terms 1 to 4 (registration per term) | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 1 to 6 | Boys and Girls |
DESCRIPTION: | Cost payable direct to external provider. Code Camp provides an opportunity for students to get creative and be creators of technology with activities that complement the curriculum. With a range of after-school programs and projects offered to various levels throughout the year, there are fun projects and weekly challenges which explore the world of coding and robotics. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Code Camp |
| Terms 1 - 4(registration per term) | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Prep - Year 6
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | Karate Gi |
COST: DESCRIPTION: | Cost payable directly to the external provider. Karate classes provide a friendly and encouraging atmosphere to learn the skills and ethos of karate, and all instructors are fully accredited with the International Go-Kan-Ryu Federation. |
wdunbar@gkrkarate.com |
6.20 Secondary Sport & Activities Program
TERM: | Terms 2 and 3
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | Training: PE uniform Competition: PE uniform, Athletics singlet and shorts. | |
DESCRIPTION: | All students are invited to join the weekly Athletics training sessions during Terms Two and Three to support their athletic development and preparation for the TAS Athletics Carnival and representative carnivals. Multiple sessions are run each week, with students able to attend sessions in disciplines that suit their interests and availability. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mrs Tracey Tuia |
athletics@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Term 1 (Girls) Term 3 (Boys) | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | Training: PE uniform. Competition: JPC basketball singlet (provided), JPC basketball shorts. | |
DESCRIPTION: | TAS Basketball consists of weekly training sessions and Saturday morning home and away fixtures in Term 1 (girls) and Term 3 (boys). Students of all abilities and experience are invited to join the TAS Basketball teams. | |
Miss Chevannah Paalvast |
basketball@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Term 1
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Boys |
UNIFORM: | Training: PE uniform. Competition: JPC cricket whites and caps/sunhat. | |
DESCRIPTION: | TAS Cricket consists of weekly training sessions and Saturday morning home and away fixtures during Term 1. Pre-season training commences in Term 4 of the previous year. Boys of all abilities and experience are invited to join the TAS Cricket teams. | |
cricket@jpc.qld.edu.au |
Cross Country
TERM: | Terms 1 and 2
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | Training: PE uniform. Competition: PE uniform, Athletics singlet and shorts. | |
DESCRIPTION: | Cross Country training squad runs throughout Terms 1 and 2. Students train before and after school with various running programs and sessions on offer. Students are also invited and/or selected to compete in cross country competitions during the season. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Miss Jennifer Gunston
crosscountry@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Term 1 (Girls) Term 3 (Boys) | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | Training: PE uniform. Competition: JPC football jersey (provided), JPC football shorts, JPC football socks. Shin pads and boots are compulsory for games. | |
DESCRIPTION: | TAS Football consists of weekly training sessions and Saturday morning home and away fixtures in Term 1 (girls) and Term 3 (boys). Students of all abilities and experience are invited to join the TAS Football teams. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mr Steven Clacher
football@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Term 2
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Girls |
UNIFORM: | Training: PE uniform. Long socks and shin pads are optional. Competition: JPC hockey dress, JPC football/long socks. Mouthguards and shin pads are compulsory for games. | |
DESCRIPTION: | TAS Hockey consists of weekly training sessions and Saturday morning home and away fixtures in Term 2. Girls of all abilities and experience are invited to join the TAS Hockey teams. | |
| Mrs Nicole Dennis
hockey@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Term 2
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Girls |
UNIFORM: | Training: PE uniform. Competition: JPC netball dress. | |
DESCRIPTION: | TAS Netball consists of weekly training sessions and Saturday morning home and away fixtures in Term 2. Girls of all abilities and experience are invited to join the TAS Netball teams. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mrs Lisa O'Donnell
netball@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Terms 1 and 2
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Boys |
UNIFORM: | Training: PE uniform Competition: JPC rugby playing jersey (provided), JPC rugby shorts, JPC football/long socks. Mouthguards and boots are compulsory. | |
DESCRIPTION: | TAS Rugby consists of two weekly training sessions and Saturday morning home and away fixtures in Term 2. Pre-season training commences in Term 1. Boys of all abilities and experience are invited to join the TAS Rugby teams. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mr Brad Hamson |
rugby@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Term 1
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7to 12
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | JPC or navy/black swimwear, swimming cap, and goggles. | |
DESCRIPTION: | TAS swimming training is available in Term 1 and is open to students who can swim 50m unassisted in a squad style training session. Training sessions are conducted on one morning per week at the Stephen Paul Aquatic Centre. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mrs Emma McDonald |
swimming@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Term 1 (Girls) Term 2 (Boys) | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 - 12
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | Training: PE uniform. Competition: JPC tennis polo shirt, JPC tennis shorts, JPC tennis cap. | |
DESCRIPTION: | TAS Tennis consists of two weekly training sessions and Saturday morning home and away fixtures during Term 1 (girls) and Term 2 (boys). Due to limited places, students are invited to nominate for TAS Tennis and trials will be conducted to determine team selection for competition. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mr David Chang
tennis@jpc.qld.edu.au |
Touch Football
TERM: | Term 3
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Girls |
UNIFORM: | Training: PE uniform Competition: JPC Touch Football singlet (provided), PE shorts. | |
DESCRIPTION: | TAS Touch Football consists of weekly training sessions and Saturday morning home and away fixtures during Term 3. Girls of all abilities and experience are invited to join the TAS Touch Football teams. | |
| Miss Jennifer Gunston
touchfootball@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Term 1 (Boys) Term 3 (Girls) | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | Training: PE uniform Competition: JPC volleyball shirt (provided), JPC volleyball shorts or PE shorts. | |
DESCRIPTION: | TAS Volleyball consists of weekly training sessions and Saturday morning home and away fixtures during Term 1 (boys) and Term 3 (girls). Students of all abilities and experience are invited to join the TAS Volleyball teams. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mr Vevin Mathew
volleyball@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Semester 1 and 2 (registration per semester) | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Boys and Girls |
DESCRIPTION: | Complementing our curriculum, students explore their creativity through visual arts, focusing on design skills, drawing or developing digital art pieces. Sessions are held one afternoon each week. Students may only participate in one semester of the activity to maximise participation opportunities for others. |
| Miss Miranda Everett
Community Care
TERM: | Terms 1 to 4 (full-year activity) | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Boys and Girls |
DESCRIPTION: | Students from Years 7 to 12 are invited to join in Term 1 for the duration of the school year. The activity is dedicated to serving and caring for the community, and students will be involved in fundraising for chosen charities and various community service activities. There is no associated cost; however, students often provide some items to assist with fundraising ventures. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mrs Lois Porthill
lporthill@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Terms 1 to 3
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Boys and Girls |
DESCRIPTION: | Debating teams participate in the Queensland Debating Union competition, which includes several debates at various Brisbane venues throughout the year. Students must be available on scheduled weeknights throughout the year. Students who wish to participate in debating should write their own speeches and enjoy speaking in front of an audience. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mr Joel Bonomini |
debating@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Terms 1 to 4
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Boys and Girls |
DESCRIPTION: | Esports teams participate in multi-player video game competitions across a variety of games and competition formats. Current games include Mario Kart, Rocket League, Super Smash Bros, Overwatch and League of Legends. Students attend a weekly squad training session, from which teams are developed to participate in specific competitions. All students are welcome to join the co-curricular; however, some games (i.e. Overwatch and League of Legends) are restricted to students in Year Nine and above, and require parental consent to participate if the student is under 15 years of age. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Ms Leah Mildenhall |
Young Designers
TERM: | Terms 1 to 4 (registration per semester) | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Boys and Girls |
DESCRIPTION: | Design is a dynamic field involving planning and making decisions about something that is being built or created. The JPC Young Designers group will be actively involved in planning and designing real-world situations and hands-on solutions. There are many different types of design competitions running regularly throughout Queensland, Australia, and internationally. Based on student ability and interest, we will be looking at the most interesting and relevant competitions to potentially enter. The JPC Young Designers group is a Semester-long co-curricular activity with sessions held one afternoon per week in the Stephen Mapstone Applied Design Building. Registration is per semester (two terms) to maximise opportunities for participation. Each semester will focus on solving problems through entering competitions and/or creating relevant and interesting solutions, and will also have a JPC focus on design activities to produce your designs in real life around the College. | |
| Mr Lourens Botha |
youngdesigners@jpc.qld.edu.au |
Writers Club
TERM: | Terms 1 to 3
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Year 9 to 12
| Boys and Girls |
DESCRIPTION: | Young Writers is a new creative writing initiative that supports students in developing their creative and academic writing abilities, focusing on the genres of short narrative, critical essay, lyrical song writing, poetry, novellas, graphic novels, and short film play scripts. The programme structure will focus on students constructing work for entry into several key writing competitions throughout the year. Student work may be compiled into a quarterly creative writing digital magazine to be shared with the College community. Co-curricular sessions will include a mix of: - Group workshopping of creative ideas and short pieces of writing
- Discussions which focus on examples of literature, critical essay writing and creative writing (e.g., past competition-winning pieces, poems, and novel extracts) for inspiration and the deconstruction of effective content, techniques, and practices
- Independent writing and editing time
Sessions will be held one afternoon per week. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Ms Lacey Prpic
lprpic@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Term 3 and 4 | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12 | Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform; JPC futsal jersey provided for games. Shin pads are compulsory for games. | |
DESCRIPTION: | JPC enters teams into various competitions throughout the year, including the Australian Futsal Association regional and state titles, the Football Queensland Futsal regional and state titles, and various school knockout leagues. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mrs Kate Barnes |
kbarnes@jpc.qld.edu.au |
Rugby Sevens
TERM: | Terms 3 and4 | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12 | Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform; JPC rugby jersey provided for games. | |
DESCRIPTION: | Rugby 7s enters teams into various competitions throughout Term 3 and 4, including All Schools Rugby 7s and the Independent Schools Cup. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mr Brad Hamson |
The College offers several club opportunities for students to represent the College in Basketball, Cricket, Football and Netball. Students who play club sport for JPC or teams other than JPC are also expected to represent the College in the TAS competition.
Whilst each of these clubs is supported by the College, these activities often rely on the efforts of external and volunteer coaches to provide instruction and supervision while maintaining the values and ethos of JPC.
Club Basketball
TERM: | Terms 4 and 1(Summer Season), Terms 2 and 3 (Winter Season) | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | Training: PE uniform. Competition: JPC basketball singlet (provided), JPC basketball shorts. | |
COST: DESCRIPTION: | Cost payable directly to external provider. JPC enters teams in the summer and winter seasons of the junior club competition at Logan Basketball. Teams participate in weekly training sessions on campus and Friday night or Saturday morning fixtures at the Cornubia Park Sports Centre. Students compete in age groups (U12, U14, U16, U18). Players participating in club basketball (for JPC or other clubs) are expected to play TAS basketball. | |
Miss Chevannah Paalvast |
basketball@jpc.qld.edu.au |
Club Cricket
TERM: | Term 4
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Boys |
UNIFORM: COST: | Training: PE uniform Competition: JPC cricket whites. Cost payable directly to external provider. | |
DESCRIPTION: | JPC enters teams into the junior club competition at Redlands Cricket. Students compete in age groups, and teams participate in weekly training sessions on campus and Saturday morning home and away fixtures in Term 4. Players participating in club cricket (for JPC or other clubs) are expected to play TAS cricket in Term 1. | |
cricket@jpc.qld.edu.au |
Club Football
TERM: | Terms 1 to 3
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | Training: PE uniform Competition: JPC football jersey (provided), JPC football shorts, JPC football socks. Shin pads and boots are compulsory. | |
COST: DESCRIPTION: | Cost payable directly to external provider. JPC enters teams into the junior divisional competition at Football Brisbane. Students compete in age groups (male and female students aged U12 - U16). Teams participate in weekly training sessions on campus and Saturday or Sunday morning home and away fixtures during the season (February to March). Players participating in club football (for JPC or other clubs) are expected to play TAS football. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mr Steven Clacher
football@jpc.qld.edu.au |
Club Netball
TERM: | Terms 1 to 3
| |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Girls |
UNIFORM: | Training: PE uniform. Competition: JPC netball dress. | |
COST: DESCRIPTION: | Cost payable directly to external provider. JPC enters teams into the Cadet day junior club competition at Underwood Park Netball Association. Students compete in ability graded teams, with weekly training sessions on campus and Saturday afternoon fixtures at UPNA during the season (February to September). Players participating in club netball (for JPC or other clubs) are expected to play TAS netball in Term 2. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mrs Lisa O'Donnell
netball@jpc.qld.edu.au |
TERM: | Terms 1 to 4 | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12 | Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | PE Uniform | |
DESCRIPTION: | Badminton is a recreational extra-curricular activity available to secondary students. Participants will train and play once per week. Group sizes are limited and places will be offered to different students each term to maximise opportunity. | |
CONTACT NAME: | Mr Zackary Milverton |
TERM: | Terms 1 to 4 (registration per term) | |
YEAR LEVEL: | Years 7 to 12
| Boys and Girls |
UNIFORM: | Karate Gi | |
COST: DESCRIPTION: | Cost payable directly to external provider. Karate classes provide a friendly and encouraging atmosphere to learn the skills and ethos of karate, and all instructors are fully accredited with the International Go-Kan-Ryu Federation Karate uses every muscle and bone in the body, creating a full-body workout, and activities can be adapted to go at your own pace. |