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    4.1 School Hours (Attendance and punctuality) 4.2 Camps and Excursions 4.3 Volunteers 4.4 Health 4.5 Uniforms and Personal Appearance 4.6 Student Property and lockers 4.7 Emergency Contact 4.8 Healthy Eating and Cashless Canteen 4.9 Facilities 4.10 Transport - to and from the College 4.11 Access to Campus 4.12 Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) 4.13 Dogs on Campus 4.14 Responsible Behaviour and Expectations 4.15 Substance Misuse Policy 4.16 Communication

    4.1 School Hours (Attendance and punctuality)

    JPC is committed to providing quality educational experiences to all of our students to ensure they achieve at their highest potential. Daily attendance by each child is necessary to benefit from these opportunities and is legislated by the Queensland Government. As a College focused on learning, we are committed to high attendance rates through a supportive, thorough and systematic attendance process. Therefore, parents must assume responsibility for the regular attendance of their children. Illness is the only automatically acceptable reason a child may be absent from the College.


    As JPC provides adequate vacation periods at various times throughout the year it is expected that students will attend school for all classes during term time.

    The College intentionally publishes all holiday dates early in the year so that parents can make holiday arrangements. As a College, we take very seriously the task of educating each child and find it unacceptable to have students withdrawn for holidays during College time due to the impact on student learning and challenges with assessment deadlines.  

    If extraordinary circumstances necessitate that holidays be taken outside scheduled times, permission must be sought from the Deputy Principal - Head of School. Outside of these circumstances, parents should expect additional holiday requests to be denied.

    Students who attend JPC on a student visa are also required by law to be at College every school day. International students studying on a visa must have a medical certificate or other relevant documentation for every day of absence. Requests for leave at the beginning or end of a term to facilitate travel overseas cannot be granted and students who make such arrangements may find themselves in breach of their visa conditions. All international students on a visa must fill in a Travel Intention Form each term as a requirement of their enrolment.

    Extended Absence

    If a student is absent from the College for more than four consecutive days, approval must be obtained from the Deputy Principal – Head of School for an exemption from compulsory attendance. Teachers will not be required to provide students with missed work.  If assessment is due to be submitted whilst a student is absent, this is still required to be submitted prior to their leave.  Exams will not be completed prior to the student's departure for leave and comparable exams will not be offered.  This ma y have implications on future subject selections and reportable results.  For students in Year Eleven and Twelve, this will impact on the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) points and ATAR calculations.

    A full term's notice is required for an extended absence.  Failure to provide this notice will result in relevant fees being charged.


    School Hours

    Classrooms open their doors at 8:15am.

    Classes take place in the Primary School at the following times:

    • Prep to Year Two:8:30am - 3:00pm
    • Years Three to Year Six:8:30am - 3:15pm
    Student Absence

    If your child is unable to attend the College because of ill health, you are welcome to call the Absentee Line 07 3826 3566 from 7:30am onwards, the Primary Office between the hours of 8:00am and 8.30am on the day of absence from school or email

    A message service is available for parents who wish to leave details before this time.

    Alternatively, parents can report a student absence, late arrival, or early departure using the online absentee form, available on JPConnect under Family Management/ Report Absence.

    Appointments in school time

    At JPC, we take the education of our children very seriously. It is expected that children would not be withdrawn from school for any appointments unless necessary, given that there is ample holiday time for children to visit dentists and other professionals who may be treating them.

    If your child has to be taken out of school for any reason such as a doctor's appointment, it is necessary to proceed to the Primary School Office to receive a 'Leave Slip' before collecting your child. A 'Leave Slip' will be issued for the classroom teacher to release the child from class. When the child returns to school from such an appointment, it is necessary to sign the child back into school at the Primary School Office.

    Suppose a student has an appointment (e.g. medical or dental) during school hours. In that case, a notification from parents, in the form of email or Absentee Notification, is required to explain the reason for the request to leave. Details are provided to the class teacher out of whose class the student leaves. These procedures allow the school to account for the presence or absence of a child at all times.

    This request is one of courtesy. Advance notice also allows the classroom teachers to make adjustments for teaching any new work that may be scheduled at that time, if at all possible.

    Late procedures

    If your child is late to school, it is necessary to proceed to the Primary School Office to sign in so your child's attendance can be recorded.

    Special events - Primary

    At JPC, students are offered a wide range of experiences that include academic, spiritual and co-curricular activities and opportunities to develop commitment and loyalty and be part of and dedicated to worthwhile real-life experiences.

    All Primary School students are also expected to participate in such events as Mayfair, Book Week Activities and annual end-of-year events, such as the Celebration of Learning. Of course, Sporting Carnivals, Barefoot in the Park, Assemblies, excursions, camps, and other organised activities are automatically attended by all students.


    School Hours

    The Secondary School day commences at 8.20am and concludes at 3.20pm.

    Student absence

    To assist parents in reporting a student absence, late arrival, or early departure the online absentee form is available on JPConnect under Family Management/ Report Absence. You can also phone 07 3826 3566 from 7.30am onwards or email

    A message service is available for parents who wish to leave details before this time. To assist with this process, please report absentees by 8.30am. If a student arrives late, they must first report to either the Gorman Centre or Main Administration reception to sign in before proceeding to class.

    Appointments in school time

    If it is necessary to arrange appointments (e.g. medical, dental, counselling) during school hours, an absence notification must be lodged using the above avenues. This will be noted on our attendance system and the relevant teachers will be made aware of the absence.

    Any student leaving the College campus must first sign out from either Main Administration or the Gorman Centre. When the student returns, they must sign in at either Main Admin or the Gorman office, and the time of return will be electronically recorded.

    Students must be at the College and in their academic welfare class, ready for roll call before 8.20am. They must have the learning materials (laptop and books) required for Lessons One and Two. Academic lessons start at 8.30am.

    Special Events

    The most important event on the school calendar is Speech Night, with an expectation of attendance by all secondary students unless otherwise advised. Please check the portal for any updates on the format of this evening.

    There are several less formal social functions that parents and students are encouraged to attend. They provide the opportunity to meet other parents, your son or daughter's classmates, and many of the staff. Some of these events are partly intended as fundraising activities, and parental support is particularly important.

    Socials are held for students at various times to provide an opportunity for social interaction under well-supervised conditions. Socials are organised and overseen by senior staff and Academic Welfare teachers.

    Students are expected to dress appropriately and follow our ethos. Modesty and good taste are paramount.

    Students in Years Eleven and Twelve may also attend more formal social functions. A dance is held for Year Eleven students and a Senior Formal in Year Twelve.

    The Valedictory Service and Valedictory Day, which marks the end of a Year Twelve student's secondary life, are extremely important events in the College calendar. These are formal functions for graduating students and their parents.

    4.2 Camps and Excursions


    Our camps are an integral part of the JPC program. JPC provides students with a variety of outdoor education experiences. The outdoor education program strives to encourage the development of students through experiential education and develop important life skills of

    • decision making
    • problem-solving
    • communication
    • relationship development.

    Outdoor education, tours, and camps incorporate a sequenced and progressively challenging program designed to further develop students' social and emotional abilities during their years as members of the JPC community. The program is aligned with the aims of the College in the areas of academic welfare and personal development.

    Students have the opportunity to experience camps from Year Four. These involve an off-campus experience and incorporate many outdoor activities. All camps are a compulsory part of the curriculum.


    Throughout the year, the school will organise educational excursions. It is expected that all students will participate as part of the educative process provided by the College.

    Excursions will include on and off-campus academic excursions and co-curricular, cultural and sporting excursions, such as eisteddfods and athletics, as well as College organised camps.


    Prep to Year Six: Academic and Co-curricular Excursions

    The cost of excursions and camps is charged as part of the annual College fees.


    Each year permission from Parents/Caregivers is to be provided for excursions and swimming and updates made to any personal or medical conditions for each student. Completion of a separate permission form is not required for each excursion, as long as up to date details are provided.​The excursion leader will notify the details of the camp/excursion approximately two weeks before the outing. Issues regarding medical concerns and limits to participation can be discussed with the teacher concerned as the case arises.

    Parent Helpers on Excursions

    We appreciate the assistance of parent helpers who have completed the College Volunteer's Induction, during class excursions. To enable the excursion to run smoothly, the following guidelines apply:

    • Be at the classroom or bus (as appropriate) at the pre-arranged time
    • Keep a list of the children in your group and mark that roll when getting on and off the bus and during the excursion
    • Please note any comments besides students' names regarding special needs.
    • Please ensure that you accompany your group at all times for the whole of the excursion.
    • If students need to attend toilets while on the excursion, please make sure that two or more students visit the bathroom at a time.
    • The behaviour of students on an excursion is of the same expectation as that on campus. Please refer to any behaviour issues to the class teacher.
    • Throughout the excursion, please support the College's expectations regarding uniform standards.
    • No photos of students are to be taken on personal devices.

    4.3 Volunteers

    The Volunteer Management Policy aims to provide clear guidelines for staff and volunteers regarding the involvement of volunteers in activities under the auspices of JPC and to ensure the College and volunteer comply with current legislative requirements in relation to working with children.

    4.4 Health

    Illness or Accidents at the College

    Children injured or who become ill will report to the Health Centre for further assessment and monitoring. If required the Health Centre will contact the parent to come and collect their child. In the case of a serious accident, the student will be treated at the Health Centre by the nurse and in consulation with the parent will be taken by Queensland Ambulance Service to a hospital accompanied by a staff member.  Please make sure your contact details are current.

    Student Medical Information

    To ensure the best possible health provisions for each student, up to date information is imperative. A Student Medical Profile can be accessed on JPConnect, under the Family Management tab, to be checked and updated accordingly, when necessary. If your child has a specific medical condition, a plan of action may be implemented following consultation between parents, health professionals, teaching staff and the student.


    All medications are to be kept in the Health Centre. Students are not permitted to carry any medication (prescription or over the counter) on their person or in the locker/bag. The exception to this is asthma medication (Years Three to Twelve) and some other medications after being recorded with the Health Centre.

    Prescription Medication

    If a child requires prescription medication, it must be supplied in the original packet or container, with the pharmacy label attached, showing the student's name and directions of use. A medication permission form can be completed by the parent/guardian when the medication is delivered to the Health Centre. or OSHC (in the case of Primary students) by the parent. The Health Centre or OSHC staff will organize for the medication to be given to the student at the required time.

    Asthma Management

    All students with asthma should have an Asthma Management Form completed by their Medical Practitioner and forwarded to the College Nurse. Medication for students in Prep to Year Two must be given to the College Nurse, along with a signed permission slip and directions for administration. Students in Years Three - Six are encouraged to only carry their puffers with them for their own use. Any other student must not use puffers.

    If you provide no Asthma Action Plan for your child's asthma management, standard asthma first aid will be applied if someone has asthma or difficulty breathing.

    NOTE: Medication for students in Prep to Year Two must be kept with the College Nurse, along with a signed permission slip and directions for administration.

    Anaphylaxis Management

    Students with medical conditions such as anaphylaxis, diabetes or epilepsy are encouraged to wear medical alert tags to assist staff in the event of an emergency. Numerous staff members come into contact with the children and this is a way of making them aware should the need arise.

    All students with anaphylaxis must have an Action Plan signed by a medical practitioner - a copy of this should be forwarded to the College nurse as a matter of importance. Students are encouraged to keep an EpiPen and a copy of their action plan on their person. Students may carry a second EpiPen, together with a copy of their action plan securely in their school bag, for attending co-curricular activities and movement to and from the College.

    Parents are requested to replace EpiPen's before the expiry date and notify the College should there be a change in contact phone numbers.

    Students are encouraged to keep an EpiPen and a copy of the Action Plan in a waist wallet with their class teacher. This can go with the students if they attend specialist lessons outside of their classroom, including lunchtime, and moving to and from the College.

    Risk Minimisation Measures

    We follow the recommendations of ASCIA Anaphylaxis Prevention Guidelines, as follows:

    Allergy consumer organisations do not recommend food bans at schools because of the risk of complacency about avoidance strategies if food is banned.

    While they do not recommend blanket food bans, they encourage staff and parents to consider children with severe allergies in our College planning (e.g. staff not having nuts in the classroom, considering sites for an excursion, and considering foods for special food / cultural days).

    This involves removal of items with nut/s as an ingredient, but does not apply to those foods labelled 'may contain traces of nuts'.

    Risk minimisation includes asking parents not to send nut spreads (e.g. peanut butter) on sandwiches.

    On College camps, themed days or other special events where children have severe allergies, it should be requested that foods containing nuts are not taken or supplied, consistent with our Risk Minimisation Policy. College excursions to food-processing factories or restaurants, for example, may require careful planning before minimise the risk of accidental exposure. (Reference: ASCIA Anaphylaxis Prevention Guidelines).

    • Please do not send in any nut products where nuts are the ingredient.
    • Please do not send in whole egg products (egg sandwiches, boiled eggs).
    Infectious Diseases - exclusion from the College

    Children with infectious diseases must be excluded from school for the specified time, as recommended by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing. Minimum exclusion times: Time Out poster

    Children who are generally unwell should be kept home. This will help prevent the spread of sickness but is of course at parents' discretion. Please see the attached information poster: Time Out information

    Immunisation Policy

    JPC supports the recommendations of the National Health and Medical Research Council in Australia that all children should be immunised unless there is a clear medical reason as to why this should not occur. Queensland Health provides the following vaccinations as a school-based program through the Logan City Council:

    • HPV (Cervical Cancer) - Year Seven (2 separate doses)
    • Boostrix (diphtheria, tetanus & whooping cough) - Year Seven
    • Meningococcal ACWY - Year Ten (Term One).

    All students vaccinated will be provided with a record of immunisation. Parents are encouraged to provide this information to their GP to keep family records up to date.

    Further information about immunisation can be obtained from the College nurse. Parents are asked to update their children's records when changes occur.

    International students can participate in any immunisations if they can obtain written parental permission.

    • Hepatitis B - Year Eight
    • HPV (Cervical Cancer) - Year Eight
    • Boostrix (diphtheria, tetanus & whooping cough) - Year Ten.

    All students vaccinated will be provided with a record of immunization. Parents are encouraged to provide this information to their GP to keep family records up to date.

    Parents are asked to update their children's records when changes occur.

    It is expected that all students at John Paul College will be vaccinated according to the following National Immunisation Program (NIP) Schedule.

    Age Vaccine
    BirthHepatitis B (hepB)

    2 months

    Hepatitis B (hepB)

    Diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough (acellular pertussis) (DTPa)

    Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)

    Polio (inactivated poliomyelitis IPV)

    Pneumococcal conjugate (7vPCV)


    4 months

    Hepatitis B (hepB)

    Diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough (acellular pertussis (DTPa)

    Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)

    Polio (inactivated poliomyelitis IPV)

    Pneumococcal conjugate (7vPCV)


    6 months

    Hepatitis B (hepB)

    Diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough (acellular pertussis (DTPa)

    Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)

    Polio (inactivated poliomyelitis) (IPV)

    Pneumococcal conjugate (7vPCV)


    12 months

    Hepatitis B (hepB)

    Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)

    Measles, mumps and German measles (rubella) (MMR)

    Meningococcal C (MenCCV)

    18 months

    Chickenpox (varicella) (VZV)

    18-24 months

    Pneumococcal polysaccharide (23vPPV) (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in high risk areas)

    4 years

    Diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough (acellular pertussis) (DTPa)

    Measles, mumps and German measles (rubella) (MMR)

    Polio (inactivated poliomyelitis) (IPV)

    10-13 years

    Hepatitis B

    Chickenpox (varicella) (VZV)

    12-18 years (School based program)Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
    15-17 yearsDiphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough (acellular pertussis) (dTPa)

    Parents are asked to update their children's records annually.

    Smoke-free Environment

    JPC is a smoke-free environment and as such, smoking of cigarettes, vapes and e-cigarette​s are not permitted on any part of the College grounds or within five metres of an entrance at any time. The College has a zero-tolerance policy for students.

    Sun Safety Policy

    The risk of skin damage, and ultimately skin cancer is a threat to students and staff at JPC. Subsequently, students and staff will be required to take measures to minimise the risk of skin damage. The JPC Sun Safety Policy (for students and staff) provides an opportunity to develop personal skills to minimise the impact of sun exposure.

    Concussion Policy

    This Concussion Policy provides guidelines regarding protocols when dealing with a concussion for the health and safety of students. It outlines recognition, required action and recovery. It applies to students who may have incurred the concussion off-site and emphasises the need for communication and consistency of follow up action. ​It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to inform the College in writing if an injury has occurred outside of any school programs so correct monitoring and management can be implemented.

    4.5 Uniforms and Personal Appearance

    The Uniform and Personal Appearance Policy outlines the expectations for students concerning a range of College-related activities (Refer to Our College Values and Expectations policy).  If there is a cultural reason which needs to be taken into account for the provision of an exemption, appropriate authority is to be provided in writing prior to the student's arrival at school.  Such authority could be a religious or cultural elder who is able to outline the expectations.  The final decision about an exemption will then rest with the Principal.​ When a student is spectating at a co-curricular activity, a student must wear a full HPE uniform or full formal College uniform.

    The Formal school uniform for all children at JPC is compulsory and designed to be both functional and attractive. Our students wear it with pride and has become well recognised and well respected within the community.

    Wearing of HPE Uniform (Secondary school)

    Secondary students with practical HPE classes in lessons 1, 3 and 5 (occurring immediately after the beginning of the day or a lunch break), may get changed into the HPE uniform in the break and then will need to change back into their formal uniform at the end of lesson under the supervision of their teacher. Practical HPE lessons occurring in lessons 2, 4 and 6  require students to get changed into HPE uniform (sports uniform) at the start of their lesson and changed back into their formal uniform during the lunch break or directly after school.

    The process for students with cocurricular trainings before or after school is as follows:

    • Cocurricular training before school and HPE in lesson 1 – remain in HPE uniform till end of lesson 1.
    • Cocurricular training before school and HPE in lesson 2 – get changed into formal uniform at end of cocurricular training and back into HPE uniform at the start of lesson 2.
    • Cocurricular training after school and HPE in lesson 5 – get changed out of HPE uniform at the end of lesson 5 and into formal uniform. Get changed into HPE uniform/sports attire immediately after school.
    • Cocurricular training after school and HPE in lesson 6 – remain in HPE uniform to attend training.

    This procedure is designed to minimise the number of students out of their formal uniform during the school day supporting the increased focus on maintaining our high standards and expectations in wearing the College uniform.

    All students are expected to take care of their appearance to keep their clothes, including shoes, clean and presentable. Hats are a part of the formal College uniform and must be worn to and from the College each day and at all times when outdoors during the school day. There is an exception for students riding bicycles, who must wear protective headgear.

    To view the Uniform Lookbook please click here.

    4.6 Student Property and lockers

    Please ensure all personal possessions are clearly and permanently labelled, removing any prior names on second-hand items.

    If this is done, there will be no difficulty in returning articles that have been misplaced. Where a student's item has been found and labelled, both student and parent will receive a system-generated notification advising it has been located and is available for collection.

    If students take home another child's named item of clothing by mistake, please return this article to the respective school office as soon as possible.

    Lost property that includes uniform items, books and stationery will be processed through the Retail Centre.

    For Primary students, an article that cannot be identified as belonging to an owner will be placed in the Lost Property box behind the Primary School Office for one week, then sent to the Retail Centre.

    Items not claimed by the end of the term will be laundered and made available for re-sale.

    Lunch boxes and drink bottles are emptied before being placed in the lost property bin. If not claimed, these will be disposed of after one week.

    Items that may cause health and safety concerns will be reported to Security, who will then decide as to how the item should be dealt with.

    Any musical instruments found as "lost property" will be sent directly on to the School of Performing Arts.



    Each student is allocated a locker. The locker is to be used for storing books, blazers and equipment. Students are encouraged not to bring valuables and money to the College, but should they need to, this should be lodged at Main Administration. Students in Years Ten and Eleven are required to bring their lock from the previous year. No student is to interfere with another's lock or locker. Lockers are out of bounds between classes, and students must, therefore, at first break take out all materials required until the second break. Loitering in the locker areas is not permitted. Year Twelve students will receive a different lock for lockers that are situated in the Gorman Centre. Replacement locks are available from the Retail Centre.

    Students with musical instruments at the College must store them in the appropriate Performing Arts area.

    Students with large items of sporting equipment that are too big to be stored in lockers should contact the coordinator of their particular sport to find a suitable place to store these items.

    Items and equipment are not to be stored on top of lockers or in areas that are not designed for storage.

    4.7 Emergency Contact

    From time to time, accidents or emergencies will occur. If a child is ill or has a minor accident, contact with the parent and further instructions will be obtained. If the accident is serious, an ambulance will be called immediately and parents advised accordingly.

    It is essential that parents leave all emergency telephone numbers with the College, including the family doctor, and ensure that an up-to-date record is available at all times. Parents can view and update details at any time using the Family Management tab in JPConnect.

    Suppose for any reason parents/caregivers are overseas or away and uncontactable for a period of time. In that case, the students must be placed in the care of a suitable close relative or friend. It is the parents' responsibility to inform the College of the change, the period of the change, the caregivers' names, their address and their contact details.

    4.8 Healthy Eating and Cashless Canteen

    JPC operates a cashless canteen. The canteen uses touchscreen and swipe card technology. Parents can manage their canteen account online in a secure environment. Through the My Student Account parents can top-up the account, set a low balance alert and access reports on purchases.

    CLICK HERE for then 'My Student Account' at top of the page.

    Every purchase made from the account can be tracked and viewed online and all funds deposited can only be spent at the JPC canteen. Students will be required to use their College ID card to make purchases from the canteen. If a student loses or forgets his/her ID card, he/she can get a temporary replacement from the Main Administration Office.

    Parents are provided with a unique ID number and a link to activate their account. Parents will require both identifiers to activate the account. The canteen menu and online ordering will be available through JPConnect.

    Primary students in Years Four to Six may access the canteen at second break / Lunch Break and will be required to use their College ID card to make purchases.

    The Canteen menu and online ordering will be available through JPConnect.

    For students in and Secondary students, the canteen operates on a self-serve basis. Students are required to line up in the designated areas and move quickly and quietly as they make their selection. When paying for their food, students scan their purchases and then their College ID card. At all times in the canteen Piazza precinct, students are to be mindful of their manners.

    For students in Prep to Year Three, parents may order online via their 'myschoolaccount' for delivery to the classroom at second break / Lunch Break (1:00pm).

    No soft drinks are to be purchased by Primary School students at the canteen.

    Food Policy and Measures are put in place to minimise exposure to confirmed allergens.

    Please let the classroom teacher know if your child has any food allergies or dietary needs.

    • packaging and lunch bags should be easy to open
    • do not send glass, tinned food or popper straw wrappers (remove straw from wrapper before sending)
    • ice bricks are encouraged in summer to keep food items fresh
    • lunches cannot be stored in the fridge or heated in the microwave due to supervision and health and safety requirements
    • children requiring fruit in smaller parts need to bring their fruit cut up and placed in a small container. We are unable to leave eating supervision to cut up or prepare fruit
    • pack a spoon where necessary (eg. for yoghurts/ custards)
    • water bottles filled with water are essential.

    4.9 Facilities

    Noelene Munns Learning Centre (NMLC)

    Reading encourages children to be thinkers, be open-minded and knowledgeable. Primary students have access to our well-resourced Learning Centre and the expertise of our teacher-librarian and helpful support staff. We offer a wide range of book and audio-visual resources for students to choose from, lunchtime activities, and online resources and e-books through the secure Learning Centre workspace.

    For Primary students, JPC Library Bags to care for books and resources on loan are available for purchase at the Retail Centre.

    Use after hours

    Students from Year Six to Year Ten may access the Noelene Munns Learning Centre from 7.30am until 8.10am and from 3.30pm until 4.00pm Monday to Friday. Year Eleven students may study on the ground floor level of the Gorman Centre from 7.00am until 5.00pm.

    Year Twelve Study Centre

    Year Twelve students have access to the study centre on the top floor of the Gorman Centre. This is open from 7:00am through to 5.00pm. It is designed to allow Year Twelve students to study in an environment that reflects many of the opportunities they will have when they go to university in the future.

    Retail Centre

    • SchoolwearPhone: 07 3826 3397
    • ResalesPhone: 07 3826 3349

    The JPC Retail Centre is located at the top of the Primary School Car Park, off Chatswood Road.

    ​To assist you, the Retail Centre has EFTPOS available and accepts major credit cards as well as an online retail store that allows you to 'click and collect' or 'deliver'.

    Please visit our online Retail Centre store for opening hours.

    4.10 Transport - to and from the College

    Students are expected to travel straight to the College and home. They must not visit shopping centres on the way unless accompanied by a parent, or the visit has been authorised by the parent in writing and a request for permission made to the Deputy Principal - Head of Secondary. Students are reminded that their behaviour whilst travelling to or from the College must be of the highest standard.

    Students must wear full formal College uniforms, including hats and blazers when travelling to and from the College.

    Road safety procedures

    The safety of our children is of utmost importance to us. It is, therefore, important that careful road safety precautions be outlined for your information.

    Children are to enter the College grounds along the pathways provided. There is comfortably only enough room for two cars to pass on the driveways and children who walk along the driveways put themselves at risk. Students should use the footpaths provided within car parks and then cross directly to their awaiting vehicle.

    Children delivered to and collected from the College need to alight from cars in the 'drop-off' and 'pick-up' areas designated for that purpose.

    School crossing

    We are fortunate to have an official school crossing and 'Lollipop' assistants to ensure the safe crossing of all children on Chatswood Road. Children who cross Chatswood Road must use the road safety service both in the mornings and the afternoons.

    Times for this service are as follows:

    • Morning7.45am - 8.30am
    • Afternoon2.55pm - 3.40pm

    It is suggested that children who alight from cars on Chatswood Road are to do so on the footpath side of the vehicle and not on the street side to ensure safety at all times.

    Students and parents must cross at a designated pedestrian crossing unless the crossing point is otherwise supervised.

    Car parking

    At JPC, we are fortunate to have been provided with generous car parking facilities for the convenience of parents. However, it is to be noted that a certain number of the parking bays are for the use of selected staff and need to be kept clear at all times.

    For the safety of our students, it is necessary to keep the driveways clear of parked cars at all times. This sensible procedure will allow for smooth traffic flow for all parents and help avoid traffic congestion.

    Specific car parks have been set aside for Ambulance Bays and Disabled Parking. Parents are requested to co-operate with the Administration to ensure that others are not disadvantaged or put at risk by non-compliance with these requests.

    As a result of the unavoidable congestion at College opening and closing times, all parents using the College car parks must understand and demonstrate the following rules and protocols.

    • Common courtesy and common sense should be used at all times, eg. to go in turn when two lanes of traffic are merging, to allow sufficient space for other drivers to reverse out of car parks, etc.
    • Under no circumstances should students disembark from cars in carriageways, even if the line of traffic is momentarily halted.
    • Movement across car parks by pedestrians should be by use of pedestrian crossings.

    Car parks are allocated as follows:

      1. Primary School, Chatswood Road car park - entrance from Chatswood Road
      2. Secondary School, Markwell car park - entrance from John Paul Drive
      3. John Paul International College, John Paul International College car park - entrance from Daisy Hill Road
    • Main Administration car park, reserved parking/boom gate access from John Paul Drive. If there are special needs, e.g. a temporary infirmity, parents should call the College Security and Safety Officer on 07 3826 3338 to make special arrangements
    • All parents are reminded that the Principal has the authority, under relevant legislation, to ban persistent offenders from driving on campus.

    The above rules and protocols are for the safety and security of our students, which is our paramount consideration.

    Student use of Uber and other travel services

    It is an offence in Queensland for Uber drivers to transport young people on their own when they are under 18 years old. Therefore it is inappropriate for students under 18 to use Uber rides to get to and from the College. Students are not to use Uber Eats and/or other food delivery services for food delivery to the College campus.

    Bicycles and Motorised Scooters

    Students who ride to and from the College must do so in a way that does not endanger their life or the lives of others, always obeying traffic laws. The wearing of protective helmets is compulsory. All riders of bicycles and motorised scooters will dismount prior to entering College grounds. Students are to walk bicycles to the nearest rack. They should be chained, and that area is out of bounds to all students until afternoon dismissal. Bike racks are available beside the Retail Centre, near the Drake building and at Fenton Village.

    Buses (updated March 2021)

    John Paul College bus services are managed by Mt Gravatt Bus Services or Clarks Logan City Bus Service. These include private bus routes operated by the College and Translink services.

    Translink provides a single public transport network covering South East Queensland, with one Translink ticket permitting transport via bus, trains and ferries within the system. Zones, fares and concessions have been standardised across the system.

    Full route and fare details are available from the Translink website.

    Non-Government Schools' Bus Assistance application forms are available from the Independent Schools Queensland website.

    Visit the JPC Bus Routes webpage for more information about our bus services.

    Students using public transport must behave in an exemplary manner at all times.

    Bus arrangements

    We do not encourage students in Prep to Year Two to catch the bus home from the College, but if this has to be arranged, we would appreciate your contacting the Primary Office and informing us of such.

    Years Three to Six students who catch the bus home from the College will be dismissed from class at 3.15pm. They will walk directly to the bus stop.

    Bus travel notification

    Before the commencement of bus travel, to or from the College, written notification of the arrangements, including responsibilities for others (e.g. Names of siblings who may be collected from After School Care), must be submitted to the Deputy Principal - Head of Primary. This information will then be given to all staff with responsibilities for these students.

    While it is not expected that students from Kindergarten to Year Three will arrive at the College by bus, the services outlined below are included for your information, as arrangements may be made for students of Years One to Three to take advantage of these services for the journey from the College to home in the afternoons.

    Students who arrive before 8.15am are cared for in the Before School Care facility. Students from Years Four to Six may avail themselves of these transport services to and from the College if they so desire. These details will be recorded on the 'School Arrangements' forms and Heads of School notified accordingly. All students going home by bus must advise their classroom teachers accordingly.

    Children under the age of eight travelling on Mt Gravatt Bus Service

    To provide the safest possible transportation for your student, parents/carers please be advised that children under the age of eight years are requested to be supervised and/or assisted by an older sibling when travelling on College services operated by Mt Gravatt Bus Service.

    Code of Conduct for College Students Travelling on Buses

    All students have the right to a safe and enjoyable journey when utilising the JPC bus routes. Use of these services is governed by the 'Code of Conduct for College Students Travelling of buses' . Students remain responsible for conducting themselves in a manner that ensures both their comfort and safety and the comfort and safety of others. Parents and Caregivers also play an important and collaborative role in providing safe and responsible bus travel and working with the College/operator on reiterating expected behaviours from students when using the services. Please ensure you familiarise yourself with the Code of Conduct including the rights/responsibilities of stakeholders and avenues which will be used to manage occurrences of misconduct.

    Complaints Handling

    To provide feedback on, or make a complaint concerning one of the TransLink Services please go visit or contact Mt Gravatt Bus Service via

    To provide feedback on, or make a complaint concerning one of the JPC contracted services (routes # 63, 64 and or 65) please contact the Director of Community Engagement via To make a formal complaint, please refer to the College's Formal Complaints Policy available by CLICKING HERE.

    Please note, bus service routes 63, Mt Gravatt Bus Service operates 64 and 65 on behalf of the College. Mt Gravatt Bus Service operates all other listed services on behalf of TransLink.


    After school collection

    Secondary students exiting the College after school may not use the main driveway coming off John Paul Drive unless they are going to the bus stop or walking to the lights to cross the road. All other students should be collected from the Markwell car park. All students remaining at Chatswood Road and Mayflower Street car parks at 4.00pm will be moved by staff to the Security Building at the Markwell car park, where supervision is more readily available. Parents collecting students after 4.00pm will be required to collect them from this area. Staff will not permit students to wait unsupervised in car parks or other areas of the campus for the student's own safety.

    Students involved in co-curricular activities should wait at the Markwell car park, where supervision is available. Any student remaining anywhere else on campus who is not collected by 5.30pm will be moved to the Security Building at the Markwell car park.

    The safety of our students is always of paramount importance and your assistance in this matter will ensure their safety on and around our campus.

    Student Drivers

    Senior students wishing to drive to the College must submit a completed application form together with a copy of their driver's licence to the Head of Year for approval. A new application is required each year.

    Once approval has been granted, student drivers are required to:

    • Lodge car keys with their Head of Year immediately upon arrival at the College
    • Collect car keys no earlier than 3:30pm.

    Should a driver's family wish the driver to transport siblings, confirmation must be in writing. Should a student driver wish to transport other students at any time, permission must be sought in writing from Head of Year and by families of both the driver and the passenger.

    4.11 Access to Campus

    There are many opportunities for you to participate in your child's education apart from regular classroom assistance. During the year, you will be advised when these occur to be able to participate in the full academic and social life of the College community. When on the College campus, you are expected to follow instructions that may be given to you by authorised College personnel, particularly relating to parking, traffic flow, emergency and safety procedures (lockdowns and evacuations).

    Boom gates are used to control traffic movement within the campus, and only parents with approved access may bring vehicles through these entry points.

    Upon entering classrooms, please understand that the teacher or staff member who has invited parents to participate is the authorised College representative The College expectations regarding conduct are conveyed at the staff member's discretion.

    4.12 Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)


    OSHC takes place before school, after school and during school vacations and consists of care for all students at who attend JPC. All children enrolled at JPC are automatically enrolled in the Outside School Hours Care Program (OSHCP). Early Learning Care is provided in the Kindy building.

    Under the National Quality Framework (NQF), our program is rated as Excellent.

    The program is based on the overall College Philosophy as outlined in this Information Book. The aims of the Program, together with other detailed information regarding the Program, can be found in the Parent Information Booklets which are available from Outside School Hours Care.

    The Program is organised and conducted by a qualified and experienced staff team, headed by a Coordinator of OSHC, Assistant Coordinator and Certified Supervisor.

    Before School Care is held in the OSHC room from 7.00am. A responsible adult/caregiver must sign in children attending Before School Care. However, unsupervised children who arrive at school before 8.00am will be directed to Before School Care, where a staff member will sign in them, and parents will be charged accordingly.

    After School Care is conducted until 6.00pm and uses the OSHC room with adjacent playground. Children can proceed directly to After School Care at the end of their school day. Prep children attending After School Care are assisted to the rooms by OSHC staff after their day (2.55pm). For safety reasons, supervision is provided at the Chatswood Road and Mayflower car parks until 3.30pm. After this time, all children who are not collected will be required to attend After School Care. For regular Before and After School Care, parents are required to fill in a booking form which is available from OSHC

    4.13 Dogs on Campus

    Dogs are not permitted on the JPC campus, which includes the Cec Munns Sporting Centre. Notwithstanding police dogs, security dogs and service dogs as per the "Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs Act 2009". This regulation has been established to provide for the health and safety of JPC students, staff and visitors, for the protection and efficient use and enjoyment of the College's property and for the responsible management and operation of the College. Requests for special permission for a dog to enter the property must be approved by the Principal.

    4.14 Responsible Behaviour and Expectations

    The Our College Values and Expectations​ statement outlines some of the expectations and procedures within a positive learning environment and following our ethos. The rights and responsibilities are identified, along with expectations regarding specific matters (e.g. personal appearance, uniforms and behaviour). Management of and responses to bullying are also included. Inappropriate behaviours with examples form part of this policy statement. 

    Students are not permitted to bring chewing or bubble gum to school. ​​

    4.15 Substance Misuse Policy

    The College maintains a 'no tolerance' policy towards the use or possession of tobacco, alcohol or any other illegal drug or substance by students on the campus, at any College activity or while wearing the College uniform. Parents share the responsibility of ensuring that the reputation of the College is maintained at the highest level when students are beyond our direct control. Behaviour or conduct in a social context that brings the reputation of the College into disrepute, which is brought to our attention, may also have serious consequences.

    This Substance Misuse policy outlines the procedures relating to dealing with substance misuse by students. Specific instances are described and the management of each is considered. The roles, rights and responsibilities of staff are also detailed, including support services.

    4.16 Communication

    It is important to stay up to date with communication from the College about your child and the College events and activities.

    JPConnect (SEQTA Engage App)

    JPConnect is the online portal for the College. Students, parents and staff are connected online to ensure that relevant family information is readily available. Parents can access additional general College information through the Community Portal.

    JPConnect is a username and password protected environment and on enrolment, each parent receives the notification of their unique username and password. Familiarity with the elements of JPConnect will ensure that your family has access to all essential information and resources as they are needed.

    When you gain access to JPConnect you will notice there are two distinct areas of the portal. The first area, ENGAGE, contains targeted personal information for you and your children. The second area, the Community Portal, contains general information for all families of the College.

    Logging in as a parent gives you access to the daily life of your child/ren through a snapshot view of the classroom on your smartphone, tablet or computer. You can receive parallel notifications of student tasks, activities, and homework; you can enjoy a one-stop-shop for collecting College news and newsletters and essential documentation. Tap into the changes and updates for co-curricular and performance commitments and submit data and information through electronic forms.

    You can see important data about progress, timetable, academic performance, work submissions, College reports, affirmations and it is possible to track progress and learning through continuous online reporting.

    Accessing JPConnect


    Step 1: The College will send an email to each parent which includes a username and password to give access to JPConnect

    Step 2: Visit the JPConnect website and select the Parents link.

    Step 3: Locate the parent username and password box and enter the username provided.

    Step 4: JPConnect is displayed with access to ENGAGE and Community Portal. A convenient blue navigation bar ensures quick access to the vital elements of JPConnect.

    ENGAGE Parents focusing on you and your family

    ENGAGE Parents is the one-stop-shop for information and interaction that is specifically targeted to your family. The handy menu on the left-hand side gives quick access to information about each child in the family. The Family Management tab includes all information relating to finance and online forms and the Courses tab provides overviews of subjects offered while the Reporting tab delivers each semester's academic report.


    The College Newsletter, the Principal's Voice and Deputy Principal - Head of School Blogs, are available on our portal and College App every week. Parents are advised to visit regularly to stay up to date with College news.


    To keep you up to date and informed, please ensure your email and contact details are current. Email and the College Portal are primary sources of information within the College.

    Yearbook and publications

    The Yearbook is distributed to the youngest in the family and provides a record of activities for the year. Other publications are released from time to time, including the Eagle Magazine and SOAR.


    The Primary School uses the program Seesaw to create your child's Learning Journal. The password-protected online platform provides you with an authentic insight into your child's learning journey, where you can view your individual child's engagement in learning and learning samples.