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Early Learning Centre Organisation

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3.1 Ratios 3.2 Governance and Management 3.3 Fees 3.4 Termination 3.5 Absenteeism 3.6 Holidays 3.7 Child Care Subsidy 3.8 Priority of access 3.9 Keeping Our Children Happy, Healthy and Safe 3.10 Child Protection

3.1 Ratios

John Paul College Early Learning Centre provides long daycare for 75 children daily, aged six weeks to four years. The ELC is organised into five groups, catering for the following age ranges and with these maximum adult-child ratios:

Group:Adult - Child Ratio:
Bambini (from 6 weeks)2:8
Birralee (from 18 months)2:8
Piknini (from 2 years)3:15
Tamariki (from 2.5 years)4:20
Jarjum (from 3 years)3:24

3.2 Governance and Management

John Paul College Ltd is the Approved Provider of John Paul College Early Learning Centre and holds the legal responsibility for operating the service.

A Nominated Supervisor, approved as a suitable, fit and qualified person by the Regulatory Authority and appointed by the Approved Provider, is in charge of the day-to-day operations of the service. Staff Information and rosters are displayed near the entrance to each classroom. (Refer Early Learning Centre Governance and Management Policy)

Nominated Supervisor: Leanne Zammit

The ELC is regulated by The Department of Education, Training and Employment, Early Childhood Education and Care. The department is responsible for the Service Approval once it is assured that standards set under the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 and Regulations 2018 - are being met. The address for the Office for Early Childhood Education and Care is:

Hope Island Regional Office South East Region

Department of Education

Building C, Level 1, 340 Hope Island Road

Hope Island QLD 4212

PO Box 492 Oxenford QLD 4210

PH: 07 5656 6688

Contact Details

Early Learning Centre (ELC)
07 3826 3444
Primary School Office
07 3826 3300
07 3826 3450
JPC Administration
07 3826 3333
Health Centre
07 3826 3323
07 3826 3338

3.3 Fees

Confirmation of enrolment Fee: $150.00 (on confirmed enrolment into the ELC)

Enrolment Bond: Paid on the first day of attendance (2-3 days $150.00, 4-5 days $300.00)

Attendance Fees: $140 per day (11 hour session) Bambini, Birralee, Piknini, Tamariki/$135 per day (11 hour session) Jarjum

From the beginning of the first week, fees are payable whether or not the child is in attendance. Continuation of enrolment is dependent upon fees being paid.

Government fee relief (Child Care Subsidy) is available for families who have been appropriately assessed by Centrelink and approved.

Late Policy: If your child is not collected at the designated closing time, the following late fees will be charged. Repeated late collections will result in enrolment at the ELC being reviewed.

Late Fee Surcharge: $10.00

$1.00 per minute until your child is collected.

Example: If you collect your child at 6.05pm the charge is $15.00.

3.4 Termination

If you are withdrawing your child, please indicate your intentions in writing two weeks before leaving, and the initial deposit will be offset against the final two weeks.

3.5 Absenteeism

If a child is absent, please contact the ELC so that all children are accounted for and illnesses can be noted.

Child Care Subsidy 42 Day Allowable Absences

Each family is entitled to 42 days of absence in which child care subsidy may still be claimed. An absence may be defined as a sick day, holiday, RDO or occasional absence. Once you have used up your 42 days, allowable absence full fees will apply as we cannot claim your CCS for these absent days.

Only when a child reaches 42 days away can a doctor/ medical certificate be used to claim benefits.

3.6 Holidays

The ELC will be closed for two weeks between Christmas and New Year. No fees are payable during this time.

A Staff Professional Development Day is also planned for the first Tuesday back in January. For 2024, this Staff Professional Day will be Tuesday 2nd January 2024. No fees are payable for this day.

Outside this period, children are entitled to a maximum of three weeks annual leave from the ELC. Each of these weeks needs to be Calendar weeks, i.e. Monday to Friday. During this period, a holding fee of 50% of the normal fees is payable. After three weeks, full fees are payable in advance. Holiday absences must be advised at least two weeks in advance.

3.7 Child Care Subsidy

Child Care Subsidy is a payment made to families to assist with the costs of child care. All Australian residents using child care provided by approved child care services may be eligible for Child Care Subsidy (CCS).

The Department of Human Services will administer the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) through Centrelink and the Australian Tax Office.

Families using approved child care who meet the eligibility requirements of:

  1. Australian Residency
  2. An Individuals Eligibility for Child Care Subsidy
  3. Immunisation Requirements for the Child.

The CCS is based on the family's estimate of their Modified Taxable Income for the year in which the care is provided and the Activity Level of parents. You must notify the Department of Human Services of any changes to your income, activity or changes to your circumstances.

Families are required to provide the ELC with the registered claiming parent Customer Reference Number (CRN) and date of birth, your child's CRN and date of birth.

Families can create or access their Centrelink online account and lodge a claim for Child Care Subsidy through MyGov.

Please see the Centre Administration Assistant for information.

3.8 Priority of access

One of the main reasons the Australian Government funds child care is to meet the child care needs of Australian families. However, the demand for child care sometimes exceeds supply in some locations. When this happens, services need to allocate places to those families with the greatest need for child care support.

List of priorities

The Australian Government has Priority Access Guidelines for allocating places in these circumstances. These guidelines apply to centre-based long daycare and other care facilities. They set out the following three levels of priority, which child care services must follow when filling vacant places:

Priority 1 - a child at risk of serious abuse or neglect
Priority 2 - a child of a single parent who satisfies, or of parents that both satisfy, the work/training/study test under section 14 of the

New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999

Priority 3 - any other child within these main categories, priority should also be given to the following children:

  • Children in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families
  • Children in families which include a disabled person
  • Children in families on low incomes
  • Children in families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • Children in socially isolated families
  • Children of single parents.

There are some circumstances in which a child who is already in a child care service may be required to leave the service. Where a service has no vacant places and is providing child care for a child who is a Priority 3 under the Priority of Access Guidelines, the service may require that child to leave the child care service for the service to provide a place for a higher priority child, but only if:

  • The person liable to pay child care fees for the child was notified when the child first occupied the child care place that the service followed this policy.
  • The service gives that person at least 14 days' notice of the requirement for the child to leave the child care service.

3.9 Keeping Our Children Happy, Healthy and Safe

Immunisation Policy

JPC supports the recommendation of the National Health and Medical Research Council in Australia that all children should be immunised unless there is an apparent medical reason as to why this should not occur.

The routine schedule of vaccines provided free under the National Immunisation Program is provided in the link below. It is expected that all students at JPC will be vaccinated according to this schedule. Further information about immunisation and vaccination can be obtained from the ELC. Parents are asked to update their children's records annually.

The Federal Government has introduced full immunisation as a condition for receiving Childcare Assistance. Parents will have to show proof of current immunisations to Centrelink, to be entitled to this Government Assistance.

The routine schedule of vaccines provided under the National Immunisation Program (NIP) is as follows.

If you have any questions regarding immunisation and vaccination, contact the School Nurse or your family GP. For more information, go to the National Immunisation Program.


This ELC is committed to protecting the general health and wellbeing of children and staff by minimising the risk of the spread of infections within the ELC. Infections with or without illness are common in children. When children spend time in ELC's or other facilities and are exposed to a large number of children for long periods, the risk of illness is high and infectious diseases spread. It is impossible to prevent the spread of all infections and illnesses within our ELC; however, preventing the spread of infectious diseases is an essential part of the quality early learning care provided at this ELC.

By limiting the attendance of sick and unwell children from the ELC, we can reduce the risk of infecting other children.

Children should not be brought to the ELC unless they can cope adequately with the normal daily routines and activities within the program. If the Centre Director or Educator feel that one of the children is unfairly exposing other children to illness or is too unwell to cope with the Centre's program, the parents or emergency contacts will be telephoned to collect the ill child.

In case of minor ailments, parents are asked to choose whether a child is fit to attend the ELC, considering the individual child's wellbeing and that of the other children in attendance. The ELC's guidelines are set as follows:

If parents are notified to collect their child, we ask that they be collected within one hour of being informed that the child is not well.

If children are showing any of the following signs, parents are advised to keep them at home.

Vomiting - If your child is suffering from vomiting, regardless of the cause, they must be kept at home for 24 hours from the completion of the vomiting attack. The exclusion can be for 48 hours if there is an outbreak.

Diarrhoea - Regardless of the cause, children must be kept away from the ELC for 24 hours, from the last attack, and have a normal bowel motion before they return. The exclusion can be for 48 hours if there is an outbreak.

Conjunctivitis - Children must be kept away from the ELC from when medical treatment has started and until the discharge has stopped.

Ear Infections - If there is a discharge, the child will need to be excluded.

Colds - If children have any of the following symptoms, they need to be kept away for a minimum of 24 hours or until well enough to cope with a normal Early Learning day:

  • thick green discharge
  • a persistent or deep cough
  • wheezing
  • fever
  • Listlessness or lack of appetite.

Impetigo (School Sores)

Undiagnosed rashes

All parents will be notified if a child comes into contact with a contagious sickness so that symptoms can be identified.

A Note About High Temperatures and Fevers

Parents, please note: If your child presents with a high fever, regardless of the cause, we will contact you and request that your child be collected within an hour. This ensures that your child can receive the needed one on one care, and no viruses or infections are passed to others.

Children who are administered Panadol or Nurofen at home prior to attending the ELC are requested to remain at home as they are obviously unwell or too uncomfortable (with teething) to attend.

Infectious Diseases

A list of infectious diseases, together with necessary action, is outlined in the National Health and Medical Research Council guidelines in the link below. Whenever in doubt, please contact the ELC.

The National Health and Medical Research Council guidelines have been used as our authority on the following exclusion times for communicable diseases.

Please see below the current exclusions for illnesses and medical conditions.

Parents are requested to observe the actions outlined in the exclusion poster if their children should contract any of these diseases. This list should be read in conjunction with NHMRC's publication Staying Healthy in Early Childhood Education and Care Services - 5th Edition.

The ELC complies with Public Health Directives (such as for COVID-19) and adopts the John Paul College COVID-19 Infectious Disease Control Management Plan.


If a child is required to take prescription medication during his/her attendance at the Centre, instructions from the child's medical practitioner must be provided to give the ELC authority to administer the medication. The medication must be provided in the original container with a pharmaceutical label, stating the following information: The child's name, name of the medication, dosage to be taken, frequency of dosage, prescribing doctor's name, and date issued. If this information is not on the label, we will not administer the medication.

This includes any creams or special lotions your child may require.

For children with medical conditions such as Asthma, Allergic reactions or Anaphylaxis, a medical management plan must be provided by the doctor to accompany the required medication. (If this medication changes, we need to have an updated plan for our files). Asthma and Anaphylaxis medication and medical management plans must be provided to the service on the child's first day of attendance. Children are unable to attend if we do not have the required information and medication.

Parents need to fill in and sign the 'Authority to Administer Medication' form at the ELC for each dosage of medication required to be administered. The ELC will not administer medication if these procedures are not followed.

Parents are required to hand medication directly to a Staff Member for storage and safe-keeping. The Staff Member will check the medication label and the Authority to Administer Medication Form with the parent (or authorised nominee) to ensure the details are correct and sign the form to confirm these details. The medication of any kind is never to be left in a child's bag. The medication will be administered by the Lead Educator as prescribed.


Infection can be spread by a person who shows no signs of illness. Hand washing is one of the most effective ways of preventing the spread of infection. All children are required to wash their hands after toileting and before meals and after playing outside.

Staff wear disposable gloves when changing nappies, serving food, cleaning sick children etc. Toys and equipment are disinfected regularly. Parents are also asked to wash their child's hands with the sanitising gel and their own on entering and leaving the ELC. This process will help to eliminate unnecessary cross-infection between the home and the ELC.

Toilet Training

Childcare is a partnership between the home and the ELC. Our staff at John Paul College Early Learning Centre will work with you when you decide to commence toilet training your child. The methods used at home will be continued at the ELC to ensure a relaxed and supportive transition for the children in our care.


Parents are requested to dress children in play clothes so that they feel comfortable joining in with the program, even if some activities may get a bit messy.

Sun protection should be considered when selecting clothes for the children to wear to the ELC. Shoes need to be worn each day, either sneakers or supportive sandals. NO THONGS, THANK YOU. Children need to remove their shoes, placing them in lockers in their respective rooms during sandpit or climbing activities.

Spare clothes need to be sent each day in case there is a need to change. Extra underwear should be sent along in the child's bag; the number depends upon the child's toilet training stage. Parents are required to provide nappies and pull-ups for each child as needed. If children do not have any spare underwear, the ELC will give them a new pair of underpants. Parents will be charged $1 for the underwear

Extra clothes should be sent along if the weather is changeable so that the children always remain comfortable in their clothing. All items of clothing must be clearly labelled.

Sun Protection

The ELC provides all children with a sun-safe bucket hat that is named. Our hats give shade to the face and neck areas. All hats are kept at the ELC and laundered regularly.

The ELC provides an SPF 50+ sunscreen for children's use. If parents do not wish to use this sunscreen, they must advise the ELC and supply their own children with sunscreen (clearly named).

Staff members will apply sunscreen to the children for both the morning and afternoon outdoor sessions. Exposure to the sun will be limited between 10.30am - 2.00pm each day.

Outdoor activities during this time will take place in shaded areas. Children are not permitted to play outdoors, even under sprinklers, without a shirt and hat.

Following the sun smart policy, we ask that all children wear appropriate clothing, i.e. a shirt with sleeves. NO SINGLETS ARE ALLOWED. Staff members are to actively support the sun protection policy to provide an appropriate role model for the children.

Bare Feet

From time to time, the children are encouraged to take their shoes off for safety, growth and development, and sensory experience. Children need bare feet to grip with their toes as they climb and receive sensory information through their feet. Bare feet also allows for freedom of movement, better balance and physical control.

As part of removing their shoes, the children are learning to take responsibility for their belongings and gain independence in taking their shoes off and putting them back on again. Weather conditions are always taken into consideration before the children are asked to take their shoes off. If parents have any concerns about their child taking their shoes off, please see the room Educator or Head of Early Education.

Sleep / Rest

Following regulations, all children are provided with opportunities for rest and relaxation during their day at the ELC. Children who do not wish to sleep are offered activities following a short rest time. All children in the Bambini Group have their own cot for sleep times. The older children have their own sleeping stretcher or mattress.

All children need to bring a fitted sheet, a rug in the colder seasons and a cuddly if they normally sleep with one. A drawstring 20cm x 20cm sheet bag containing these items and clearly named will ensure that these items are stored hygienically to minimise cross-infection.


To ensure the ELC maintains the highest safety standards, we ask parents to make sure gates and doors are closed behind them and that our No Smoking Policy is strictly adhered to.

Fire Drills are held regularly and we ask all people in the ELC to join in the Drill with the children and staff. Evacuation procedures are outlined in all rooms, with diagrams and steps to follow.

In an emergency, the ELC will follow the evacuation procedure and relocate the children to a safe place. Parents will be notified as soon as possible to collect their children if needed.

A family code for the security system at the front door is given to parents to secure access to the ELC upon enrolment.

Fire Evacuation Procedure

  1. On the sound of the alarm, the Lead Educator and the Educator are responsible for the removal of their group of children from the ELC to the side gates, up the pathway to the meeting area.
  2. The Lead Educator takes the roll and marks it outside.
  3. The Educator checks the bathroom and sleep area of their room before leaving.
  4. Any additional staff on-premises assist the two younger groups (6 weeks to 2 years) in removing the children from the ELC.
  5. The Administrative Assistant opens the right side gate and moves the Prams in to position in the Nursery playground.
  6. The Centre Manager or Building Warden does the final check of the building and dials '9' to communicate that the ELC has been evacuated.

3.10 Child Protection

John Paul College Early Learning Centre recognises that protecting children from harm and the risk of harm is fundamental to maximising their personal and academic potential. For this reason, the welfare and best interests of the children within our ELC will always be a primary focus.

What does the ELC mean by harm?

Recent Queensland legislation defines harm as:

'Any detrimental effect of a significant nature on the child's physical, psychological or emotional wellbeing. It is immaterial how the harm is caused.'

Harm can be caused by:

  • Physical, psychological or emotional abuse or neglect
  • Sexual abuse or exploitation
  • Domestic or family violence.

How does the ELC protect children from harm?

The ELC adopts the John Paul College Education and Care Services, Child Protection Policy which covers the actions to be taken if a member of staff or a parent of the ELC becomes aware or reasonably suspects that harm has been done to a child of the ELC by other staff, people outside the College or by other students.

What should you do if you become aware or reasonably suspect that harm has been caused to a child of the ELC by a member of staff, someone outside of the College or by other students?

You should report your concerns to the Nominated supervisor, Leanne Zammit, Head of Early Education.

What will happen next?

If you report your concerns to a member of staff other than the Head of Early Education, the member of staff will report it to the Head of Early Education immediately, or if the subject of the complaint is the Head of Early Education, then the member of staff will report to the Approved Provider - John Paul College Ltd.

What will the Head of Early Education and the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women do?

If the Head of Early Education receives a report of harm or suspected harm to a student of the ELC; and they become aware of the harm having been caused or reasonably suspects the harm to have been caused then it will be reported to the police immediately if the harm relates to sexual abuse; or to the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women (Child Safety) as required.

The John Paul College Education and Care Services Child Protection Policy also governs reports required to be made to the Regulatory Authority pursuant to the Education and Care Services National Law Queensland. Including as relevant to any serious incident at the ELC and other prescribed matters.

What happens about confidentiality?

Your report will be treated in a confidential manner and with respect.

Each person who has access to information regarding suspected or disclosed harm must observe appropriate confidentiality. However, the ELC cannot promise absolute confidentiality since the steps of the policy will require disclosing, internally and externally, certain details involved in responding to the report. State authorities can compel people to give evidence about actions under the policy and to produce documents. You would be fully informed if the information you provided were passed on to a third party.

Any action, which needed to be taken under staff disciplinary procedures resulting from an allegation not requiring police/child safety or other regulatory intervention, would be handled confidentially within the College.

How will the ELC help my child?

The ELC will ensure that the following things are done to reduce the chance of harm occurring:

  • Ensure that each staff member understands and fulfils their obligations under the John Paul College Education and Care Child Protection Policy for reporting abuse/harm and other inappropriate or concerning behaviour.
  • Ensure that there is an acceptable reference for each staff member engaged since their previous employer's commencement of this protocol.
  • Ensure that each staff member and volunteer who has contact with children have a current Working with Children Clearance (Blue Card) as required by law and the John Paul College Working with Children Policy.
  • Provide annual training in Child Protection to ensure that all staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities in protecting children from harm and neglect.

If the Centre Manager receives a report of harm to your child, they will support the child by:

  • responding rapidly and diligently to the report (internal and external to the authorities)
  • reassuring the child
  • protecting the child's confidentiality as much as possible
  • offering continuous support
  • providing counselling if requested.

What should I do if I require more information?

The John Paul College Education and Care Services Child Protection Policy which the ELC adopts, is available for access on the College website and at the ELC. Parents and students may have access to this policy at any time. You may also make an appointment to discuss the policy with the Head of Early Education if you wish to clarify any matters.