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Boarding Philosophy and Introduction

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2.1 Welcome 2.2 Conduct in Our Boarding Community 2.3 Expectations

2.1 Welcome

At John Paul College, we believe that our core purpose in boarding is to care for and nurture the students who have been placed in our care. We strive to make boarding life a positive growth experience for all boarders by providing a safe and secure environment where they are encouraged to achieve their personal best. Our pastoral and academic welfare framework promotes the development of individual and group care, character strengths and wellbeing.

Boarding students bring so much richness, diversity, honesty, and humour to the life of the College. Irrespective of whether they arrive in Year Seven or enter in older year levels, or whether they are from a rural community in Northern Territory or a city like Hong Kong, our boarders quickly become a part of a family made up of special individuals. Whilst at the College, boarders are encouraged to grow as people, apply themselves as scholars and immerse themselves in the co-curricular life of the College and community service. Not all boarders necessarily thrive in their first encounter with living away from home, but very few leave boarding as Year Twelve Valedictorians without enormous emotion and life-long friendships.

The Boarding community at John Paul College endeavours to provide a second home, in a communal environment, for the boarding students at the school. Our boarding students should enjoy the friendships, the security, and the care of their second home. We aim to provide an experience for our boarders which helps them achieve their personal best and develop into young people of character.

We look forward to sharing boarding journey with you and your family.

2.2 Conduct in Our Boarding Community

A Boarding Code of Conduct Agreement is included, and families acknowledge these expectations. Each boarder signs a copy at the start of each year as an acknowledgment that the Boarders' Handbook has been read and understood.

We encourage boarders to look for opportunities to serve and support others. We are like a big family, and just like home, sometimes we get along and sometimes we do not! Regardless, we expect all boarders to treat each other with kindness and respect and this also extends to supervisors and other boarding staff. A 'please' and 'thank you' goes a long way!

We commit fully to the care and safety of your child. Trust and honesty are central to our community, alongside forgiveness and acceptance. As with any family, there are guidelines, and our boarding village is no different.

Our guidelines are based on Consideration, Cooperation and Duty of Care. Boarders are asked to always ensure that they are following the guidelines to support the safety, comfort, and wellbeing of themselves and others. We expect our boarders to always use appropriate language, and swearing is not permitted.

We believe that:

  • A safe and secure environment is our first priority, where our boarders consider their boarding house as a 'home away from home'.

  • Our boarders should be provided with opportunities to participate in stimulating and challenging sporting, cultural and recreational activities so as to foster holistic well-being, personal growth and a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

  • Academic personal best can be realised through the fostering of a love of learning and sound study habits.

  • Every member of the boarding community has a role to play in the creation of a caring 'boarding family' where we look after each other.

  • Honesty and integrity are vital for a successful boarding life.

  • Our boarders need to take ownership of their behaviour, accepting responsibility for their actions.

  • Independence and self-reliance are important life skills for all boarders to learn and apply.

  • Pride in self-engenders pride and care for our physical boarding environment.

  • Mutual respect and open-mindedness foster good interpersonal relationships and celebration of difference.

2.3 Expectations

All students, staff and families associated with the life of the College must regard themselves and others with mutual respect and learn the importance of co-operating in a Christian community characterised by diverse interests and traditions. It is imperative that no student, whether through neglect or intent, interferes with the rights of others to learn or participate in College activities.

It is expected that all students will accept responsibility for their progress through diligent and careful preparation for and participation in all activities.

To foster a secure and productive environment, the Village has adopted the following expectations of all boarders:

College Rules Apply During Term Time and While Students are Travelling to and From School:

      1. The use of offensive language, smoking or being in the presence of smoking, vaping, consumption of alcohol, taking or possessing illegal drugs, carrying, or possessing dangerous objects, and stealing are regarded as serious breaches of discipline.
      2. Harassment of any kind, including bullying, is regarded as a serious breach of discipline. The College has a 'zero tolerance' policy on all forms of harassment.
      3. Students must respect the property of others and the College.
      4. Students may not go beyond Fenton Village bounds without the permission of the boarding staff and using the appropriate leave process.
      5. Students may not break the limits of propriety or territory in the matter of sexual behaviour. That is, the explicit display of inappropriate affection is not acceptable.
      6. Irresponsible behaviour within the College grounds and buildings, including the defiance of the authority of both teaching and non-teaching staff, is not acceptable behaviour.
      7. Students may not drive a motor vehicle unless written permission is granted by parents and the Head of Boarding.