Soar_Book_2021_Edition 3

Janine Dwyer is from a very special JPC cohort; those of the foundation students who started at the College on its very first day of operation. The Class of 1986 were the first students to start in Year Eight and graduate in Year Twelve. They are a strong part of history for the burgundy and blue and are great examples of the exceptional education received at JPC. School life back then was simple but busy! There was always plenty to do, from cross country to netball and musical practice to debating. Co- curricular life was rich and the opportunities were endless. Because the school was so small, Janine knew the names of all the students and staff – it was a very friendly place. Janine struggled with subjects such as maths and science during her time, however, she credits the extra hours and time teachers put in if students ever asked for help. Scott Amy and Pauline Vallely were two teachers who helped Janine immensely. She always wanted to study veterinary science but knew her results would need to be good to gain entry. Janine was Captain of Nazareth House (now known as Gilmour House) and won the Burke Prize for Japanese in Year Twelve. She was also one of three students to receive a scholarship to spend a year studying at Tezukayama College in Nara, Japan, after graduating, an opportunity secured by Cec Munns AM . The experience there not only improved Janine’s Japanese but established independence valuable to her career projection. When Janine returned from Japan she completed one year of science at the University of Queensland before transferring to veterinary science. Janine was always horse-mad, although she did not come from a wealthy family background who had horses. She did, though, manage to pay for her own horse in her second year of university. While studying, she continued to chase down every opportunity to work in veterinary science and get established. This motivation and perseverance held her in good stead to become one of Australia’s best equine veterinary science professionals today. In her career to date, she has worked for the Hong Kong Jockey Club at the 2008 Beijing Paralympics, the Australian dressage and para- equestrian team as their vet at the Kentucky World Games and for the 2012 London Olympics and Paralympics. Professionally she has achieved more in a lifetime than most would dream of, but she finds some of the most rewarding things in her career come from the horses she has helped birth and watched their journey. Janine is also proud to say that she still works for her first-ever client, from almost 30 years ago. ‘I think the simple positives of my profession are the things I treasure the most alongside my public achievements,’ says Janine. Janine continues to run her own ambulatory equine practice, All Horses Veterinary Services, with ten employees servicing the Logan, Scenic Rim and Redlands areas. She is also the current Australian para-equestrian team veterinarian. ‘I have continued my studies throughout my career, passing the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists membership exams in equine medicine, equine surgery and equine dentistry.’ In the future she hopes to continue to expand All Horses Veterinary Services and push herself to keep improving the care she provides all of her horses. ‘Tremendous improvements are happening in veterinary science with technology and treatments and I plan to build a day surgery at my Carbrook property to further increase the services we can provide for our equine patients,’ says Janine. Class of 1986 Director and Equine Veterinarian for All Horses Veterinary Services and Australian Para-Equestrian Team Veterinarian PAGE 3 Dr Janine Dwyer