SOAR - Fourth Edition

PAGE 24 Genevieve Gregson (née LaCaze) Genevieve is a professional athlete and three-time Olympian who has made a name for herself in the world of distance running. Her outstanding achievements began long before the global stage when she joined JPC in Year 5 at the tender age of nine. Education played a significant role in Genevieve’s career path as a professional athlete. She was involved in several sports at the College and discovered her passion for running and sports under the guidance of her favourite teacher, Barry Tickner, her physical education teacher, and her running coach, David Howells, who mentored her to excel in her athletic pursuits. “Without him, I may never have made it this far,” she says. Genevieve excelled in sports during her time at JPC, winning the Bradley Cup for the finest all-round sportsperson for four consecutive years. Genevieve’s family has been a constant source of motivation throughout her career. They made significant sacrifices to allow her to have every opportunity to be the best she could be – from enrolling her in JPC to accompanying her to training sessions and sporting events. Genevieve’s three brothers even joined her during training sessions to keep her company, and her family helped ease the load when training was tough. “My family have been huge contributors to getting me to where I am today and they will continue to be a motivator for me moving forward,” she says. Among Genevieve’s notable achievements are her three Olympic Games experiences, which have been significant moments in her life in different ways. She also achieved the Australian record in the 3000m steeplechase in 2016, which she considers a special accomplishment. Not content to stand still, Genevieve dreams of making her fourth Olympic Games in Paris and plans to target the marathon. Retirement is not yet on the radar as she believes there is still so much more to accomplish. Genevieve’s connection to JPC remains strong. Maintaining close ties with many JPC Alumni, she shares a special bond with her Queensland friends, all of whom attended the College. Her days at JPC stood Genevieve in good stead in her rise to becoming an elite athlete; the structured and nurturing environment was instrumental in supporting her in the early days of her extraordinary path. As she continues to pursue her dreams and inspire others, Genevieve reveres the lifelong friends and support she received at JPC, grateful for the College’s major influence on her life. Class of 2007 Professional Athlete and Three-Time Olympian